@jg4xchamp said:
I would argue given how I'm closer to Zelda is good vs Zelda is great, that's not necessarily a bad quote. There are absolutely a lot of things about Twilight Princess that don't get enough love the big ones being how fucking good those dungeons are and how well thought out Midna was as a character, even if they botch the whole Zant thing.
Twilight Princess would have been GOAT tier if it wasn't a monumental disaster of pacing.
@jg4xchamp said:
We weren't, you nerd. But **** it I'll bite.
God Tier
1: A Link to the Past
Top Tier
2: Link's Awakening
3: Majora's Mask (might need to replay this)
4: A Link Between Worlds
5: The Legend of Zelda
Mid Tier
6: Twilight Princess
7: Ocarina of Time
8: The Wind Waker
Low Tier
9: Oracle of Seasons/Ages
10: The Minish Cap
Hit the Bench Please
11: Spirit Tracks
12: Phantom Hour Glass
13: Skyward Sword
I'm quoting this for posterity.
And you do need to replay Majora. It's still a fun, experimental game, but a lot of what it did didn't age well (though kudos to Nintendo for trying to address that stuff in the remake).
@khoofia_pika said:
Well, since we're ranking it, here's mine.
1. A Link Between Worlds
2. The Wind Waker
3. A Link to the Past
4. Skyward Sword
5. Majora's Mask
6. Twilight Princess
7. Phantom Hourglass
8. Minish Cap
9. Link's Awakening
10. Ocarina of Time
11. Oracle of Ages/Seasons
12. pile of flaming dog shit
13. Spirit Tracks
Gonna get lots of flak for #4 and #10 lol
I could tolerate everything, but ranking Link's Awakening under Phantom Hourglass is inexcusable
@Chozofication said:
Skyward sword has too much padding, and errand boy work to be good. And the item pickup animations resetting and Fi are as annoying as bullet ants in my shoes.
It does have some good design, but it's honestly not worth a 2nd trek through the the mud to get to those moments again. Oh and the swimming and wii sports bowling bombs were just bad. For most of the motion controls, I don't think the motion added anything but unnecessary effort. Archery is the one that stands out, but the gyro can get out of wack at times and that was annoying. I remember the whip being all right.
Also, the art style is good, but from a technical perspective in some ways it looks like it belongs on the N64. It's a bad game with some bright spots.
This. All of this. I agree with this:
- The motion controls are bad and shoehorned, except for in the combat, where there are still times that they don't work as intended. ****, I would have taken regular analog/button combat for this game, at least then the onus of failure would have been on me, and not on me doing the right thing and the game being a fucking dick about it. And don't get me started on the bomb rolling/swan diving/key manipulation/flying/swimming controls. Those were literally the worst thing Nintendo has done in a game, I don't know what they were thinking
- The pacing is whack, there are too many fetchquests, the game wastes your time far too much, it has too much bloat.
- There is an utter lack of an overworld or exploration, in a Zelda game
- The repeated tutorials. Good god.
- Fi. **** Fi.
- It has a beautiful artstyle, but it looks muddy as shit. The Wii did it no justice. The new Zelda game looks like what Skyward Sword was trying to go for all along.
@jg4xchamp said:
Blab and I when discussing this last year came to the conclusion it has more to do with the idiosyncrasies of Zelda, a lot of it being just how fat and bloated those games are (of which I wrote about, back when I actually wrote things on my site), it's a lot of the little shit Zelda does. Yeah the combat has never been deep, but I can't honestly say it's the combat that has turned me off on Zelda. It's not, they are more puzzle games in nature, and there ease of difficulty isn't that hard of a pill to swallow.
But the fucking bitch work in between, the weird way they always do Zelda's story telling which has been more of a con for Zelda since fucking Ocarina of Time, and less a pro, has never been my thing, there idea of clever with Zelda is just bizarre at times. In contrast Metroid to me has always been tighter in the Prime department, whatever misgivings people have with the movement mechanics (and I'm not going to act like people like Mems don't have a valid gripe, calling that shit deliberate is being a bit too nice lol), I do think the actual world design is top notch and outside of one key hunt at the very end, it never feels tedious the way Zelda does. You get more room to play a game that feels like it is escalating naturally or on your terms. Prime 2's backtracking was a pill that was easy to swallow, there was some added depth to Prime 2's puzzle designs, world design, and it was all the more challenging for it. In a lot of ways I agree with foxhound when he called it Metroid's Majora's Mask back then.
That and I adore the way Metroid tells a story in a video game, because you know it's a fucking video game. 2d zeldas benefit so much from their simplicity, 3d zelda I would argue Egoraptor has a huge point when he argued that too many of Zelda's design decisions are based around on this concept of a "formula" things Zelda must have, because Lttp has them, and not enough on how things should change because the game went into 3d.
But you know since it's Zelda, it's beyond reproach, it can never be criticized, you're just a hater if you think Zelda does anything incorrectly.
Metroid is great. Specifically, three Metroid games are great, another two are very good, the rest are all just 'what the ever loving **** were they thinking.'
Zelda deserves criticism for a lot of things- it does, and you know, I'm a Zelda guy, and I don't shy away from criticizing just about every game in the franchise except for LttP, ALBW, and Link's Awakening. I have no issues with the totally fair criticism that just about every Zelda game can and should get. My issue, well issues, are twofold: one, I dislike this revisionist notion that 3D Zelda is somehow bad or poor, which seems to be a thing lately. 3D Zelda is not bad, they are all exceptionally well designed games that do some things poorly, but are really very good otherwise (and are still better than just about 95% of the other tripe that gets put on the market, and then put on a pedestal- 100 times out of 100, I would play any 3D Zelda sans Skyward Sword over The Last of Us, and The Last of Us is an actual good game that gets put on said pedestal). See, champ, you have legitimate problems, and you lay them out in your regular way of posting, that's fine. Then others come along and run with this somehow misguided notion that 3D Zelda is 'bad.' Jesus Christ, it's not bad, and hell, I think it's easy to forget after the mixed reception of Twilight and Skyward, but Zelda was considered to be one of, like, three franchises in the world that actually managed the transition into 3D well.
The other notion is related, it's that Zelda in 2D is the only one that's worth it, 3D Zelda does not matter. Like, are you kidding me? Again, 3D Zelda has issues, every single 3D Zelda has had issues, even the beloved ones like Ocarina or Majora or Wind Waker, but again, every game has had issues, and Zelda still does what it does exceptionally well (and generally speaking, better than other comparable games on the market, the one exception being Skyward Sword, and Skyward Sword is trash). Like, the whole 'lol3DZelda' movement is bullshit and revisionist, it's not taking into account context, and it's bandwagoning using points that most people who are bandwagoning have very little understanding of- actually playing the games they're trying to criticize might help.
But sure, that aside, as long as there's no broadstrokes 'lolZelda' style criticism, go all out, Zelda deserves, and should get criticism.
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