@khoofia_pika: Where? In front of my computer mostly!
ah! well, me too :P
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**** that khoof, you say what you want to say. Just don't get down about it over video games.
A: it's video games, like come on.
B: this forum is too aggressively stupid to warrant ever feeling down about something in comparison.
I just read his posts and was exasperated at how stupid he was, how confident he was in his stupidity, how unwilling to accept the faults in his arguments he was and how aggressive he was about it all. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
But in the end I figured it was pointless since the guy clearly couldn't retain or understand any of what I said. All I was accomplishing was making myself frustrated with each and every one of his replies. It descended from a one-sided discussion about what an RPG actually is to a two-sided pissing contest. That's never good.
I just read his posts and was exasperated at how stupid he was, how confident he was in his stupidity, how unwilling to accept the faults in his arguments he was and how aggressive he was about it all. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
But in the end I figured it was pointless since the guy clearly couldn't retain or understand any of what I said. All I was accomplishing was making myself frustrated with each and every one of his replies. It descended from a one-sided discussion about what an RPG actually is to a two-sided pissing contest. That's never good.
Yeah you were better served bowing out, you can't fix stupid. I'm saying it helps the soul to just out right say, yo, you dumb as ****.
One thing we can all agree that no one should be a fan of, is when we have cats running around with poor man's Champ syndrome. I mean we survived the dark ages that were Darklink77 posts, but now we got bigredbutton and ...i can't remember that other cats name, he's got the same avatar all the accounts have when they don't set up an avi, either way it's all my brash, none of my elegance. Such insult to Picasso.
**** that khoof, you say what you want to say. Just don't get down about it over video games.
A: it's video games, like come on.
B: this forum is too aggressively stupid to warrant ever feeling down about something in comparison.
I just read his posts and was exasperated at how stupid he was, how confident he was in his stupidity, how unwilling to accept the faults in his arguments he was and how aggressive he was about it all. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
But in the end I figured it was pointless since the guy clearly couldn't retain or understand any of what I said. All I was accomplishing was making myself frustrated with each and every one of his replies. It descended from a one-sided discussion about what an RPG actually is to a two-sided pissing contest. That's never good.
Yeah you were better served bowing out, you can't fix stupid. I'm saying it helps the soul to just out right say, yo, you dumb as ****.
Lol. Definitely. Felt good at a very primal level, initially at least :P
Gonna try and stay on topic next time I come across an idiot like that though, and god knows there will be more idiots like that.
I was wondering what all the fuss was about in here, then realized you're debating with Juubs1990. Yeah bro, just don't. He's the worst brand of stupid. The kind that will always convince himself that he's correct no matter how absurdly wrong he may be. No matter how much evidence you show him that proves otherwise. His style of debate is a walking bag of fallacies. It's Fisher Price shit.
I've been through it with him. Finally got him to bow out after using his own fallacious reasoning against him, but even then he tucked his tale with some "ok ok agree to disagree daww.."
Bros and Broettes, I think it is time for me to buy a fourth Nintendo 3DS.
That Pokemon themed New Nintendo 3DS is just... gah.
I must resist it. But I cannot.
I see a lot of those in Atlanta these days. Heels and mustache, fucking crazy lol.
@mems_1224: I have over 80 3DS games total, lol. There's a mine of great stuff to be found on it.
Anyway, two were the OG 3DSs (one for myself, one I gave to my brother); then last year, I bought a New Nintendo 3DS, because my 3DS was a launch model, old, falling apart, and I figured why not. So that's three. The fourth one is going to be this Pokemon one.
I also have two PS Vitas and a Vita TV.
Bros and Broettes, I think it is time for me to buy a fourth Nintendo 3DS.
That Pokemon themed New Nintendo 3DS is just... gah.
I must resist it. But I cannot.
lol I know the feels bro, I have four of 'em too: red 3DS XL, Zelda XL, Persona Q XL, and red new 3DS XL. Only way I'll ever get another is if there's a new Fire Emblem 3DS XL. lol...
@Bigboi500: I think they announced a Fire Emblem n3DS for Japan... I don't know if they announced it for the west yet, though lol
I see a lot of those in Atlanta these days. Heels and mustache, fucking crazy lol.
I mean hey, they can do whatever, y'know?
I see a lot of those in Atlanta these days. Heels and mustache, fucking crazy lol.
I mean hey, they can do whatever, y'know?
Definitely bro. Doesn't stop me from chuckling every single time haha.
I'm not ConanTheIntolerant here, but I'll always be tripped out by an obvious broette chillin at the Marta stops.
More importantly, I just dig the term broette. This is now a cornerstone of my vocabulary.
I see a lot of those in Atlanta these days. Heels and mustache, fucking crazy lol.
I mean hey, they can do whatever, y'know?
Definitely bro. Doesn't stop me from chuckling every single time haha.
I'm not ConanTheIntolerant here, but I'll always be tripped out by an obvious broette chillin at the Marta stops.
Lol, yup. You get all kinds, man. Going outside the house when you're in Portland, for example, is wild.
Also, dibs on ConanTheIntolerant for an alt account name, for when I inevitably get banned.
Pfft, like you'll get banned before I do. I'd say the race is on, but the name is already mine.
This is the scenario that just went down, in video form. Feel the burn Char (is that a pun?)
@ConanTheStoner: You won the battle, I'll win the war. I'll be back for revenge, Inigo Montoya style. Except you didn't kill my father. I think.
Pfft, like you'll get banned before I do. I'd say the race is on, but the name is already mine.
This is the scenario that just went down, in video form. Feel the burn Char (is that a pun?)
There's only one way to deal with such an un-American and blasphemous video as you have forever seared into our eyes.
(Okay I was just watching Robot Chicken clips and thought of this one I had seen when I saw American and wanted an excuse to show it)
Also, dibs on ConanTheIntolerant for an alt account name, for when I inevitably get banned.
Pfft, like you'll get banned before I do. I'd say the race is on, but the name is already mine.
This is the scenario that just went down, in video form. Feel the burn Char (is that a pun?)
Dibs on ConanDaDildoBuilda
Brandon Sanderson is a freak
Brandon Sanderson is a freak
Someone pulled a lostrib on lostrib.
So broskis, I did what I promised I would do. I started replaying Skyward Sword, figuring that it's been five years since its release, and I ought to like it now. I also figured that it would make for a good warm up in the run up to the launch of the new game this year.
I was right, Skyward Sword wasn't as bad as I remembered.
It was worse.
No, seriously, I think I remember liking a lot of things far better than they really were, I think I excused a lot of flaws simply in an attempt to like (something about?) the game.
Just an hour and a half in, so I just got the Goddess' Sword. Haven't even gotten into the first dungeon yet, but:
+ The music is as great as I remember it being
+ Generally, the writing is snappy and witty, and probably one of the better examples of Nintendo dialog
+ I'm actually perfectly fine with the slow start- it's annoying to have to wade through it to get to the fun, but it's a world building exercise, and I can appreciate world building from a storytelling perspective
That's the good stuff. Literally everything else is terrible:
- The motion controls. I'm sorry, they are inexcusable. They are badly designed, and they have no business being the central primary control scheme for a game as sophisticated as Zelda is. They either flat out do not work (this doesn't happen too often, but it happens- not a concern to be had with button based inputs), or there is lag when they work, or they register my input wrong. There is nothing that they do that regular controls would not have done better, yes, including the sword combat that Zelda fans won't shut up about. Simple analog/button movements would have achieved the same result, required finesse on the player's part, and actually been accurate and reliable, which motion controls are not, not for combat.
- Moving away fromthe combat for a second, let's consider the fact that I have to use motion controls for just about every action in the game. Why is rolling mapped to waggle? Why do I have to fly using the Wiimote (going as far as to control the direction I want to go in by using a uber sensitive Wiimote that registers even the slightest inadvertent tilt as a change in direction)? Why are my dives controlled by the Wiimote? Rolling? Throwing things?
- The graphics are bad. There is no getting around this. I know what the artstyle was intending to go for, but sorry, the Wii's lack of oomph completely does it in. The game looks muddy, things look undefined, and the entire game looks sterile, empty, sparse. I think the Wii U Zelda game is basically what Nintendo was trying to achieve with Skyward Sword's art, but failed to do
This is just the starting, so the real game (and my real problems) haven't even begun to show up yet- as I recall, I remember being frustrated by the lack of an overworld and exploration, I recall hating the repeated fetchquests, I hated the motion controls tacked on to even more things, such as swinging, balancing yourself on a log, fitting a key in a lock, etc etc; I hated the repeated tutorials (only ran into each tutorial once in this playthrough), and I hated just about everything that wasn't the story, the music, or the dungeon design- pretty much everything else was terrible or held back by a misguided attempt to take a tech demo, a great tech demo but a tech demo nonetheless, and then shoehorn it into a game far more sophisticated than something that primarily motion controls can handle.
I'm willing to change my mind on Skyward Sword- god, I hope I do. I remember that I hated Twilight Princess upon release, and then played it in the run up to Skyward Sword, and that changed my mind on the title, and I adore that game today, and I want that to happen for Skyward Sword. But this isn't a good start.
Right now, Skyward Sword isn't even a good game done in by poor controls, considering that the entire game is designed around the implementation of said controls, it's just a poorly conceived, badly thought out game.
Oh it's been five years since mcshea flopped it? Time does fly lol. I still want it to come to NX because the Wii version looks bad resolution wise. It makes the art look worse.
I forgot you had to shake the nunchuck to roll. Zelda : Wii sports edition.
Also it's not just the Wii's fault the graphics are bad, because it really should look better than it does. Forget the Wii a second, if you had it, i'd say pop in star fox adventures from 2002 (a 60fps game mind you) in the good old gamecube, then back to skyward sword and see just how much better it should've been. It's not all bad, in some moments it looks legitimately great, but I think more often I was thinking it looked like an Dreamcast game with some N64 textures sprinkled about. Also, the trees lol.
I don't think they tried to push the Wii with the game honestly. Now with super Mario galaxy, they clearly made an effort to tap the system.
But yeah, Zelda Wii U looks like what SS should've looked like.
Brandon Sanderson is a freak
Brandon Sanderson is a freak
Someone pulled a lostrib on lostrib.
**** yeah, hot rib on rib action!
The kink is palpable in here.
Is it bad that Im thinking of getting a Steam Controller just so I can play XCOM 2 from my couch?
I bought one on sale. Haven't really used it yet (seems a bit redundant for Football manager) but seems cool.
I remember on the old GS site, people confused this for a "Dragon AGE: Origins 2." lol
All it took for some was the sight of a young Saiyan warrior than... whatever DA romantic interest of their preference.
Though I suppose it doesn't help that the first games in both series shared two thirds of the same title and released a year apart from each other (Dragon Ball releasing first, but not being anywhere as popular as the fighting games like Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi).
Forgot how good Reach was. Definitely the best Halo for at least the single player and firefight, never spent time with any of them in online multiplayer.
Forgot how good Reach was. Definitely the best Halo for at least the single player and firefight, never spent time with any of them in online multiplayer.
Reach is amazing. My favourite Halo game. That campaign is awesome.
Skyward Sword wasn't as bad as I remembered.
Thus spake the weaboo.
Damn it clone bro, I had faith in ya. I thought I could just quit posting here and that you could handle the business. That you would be my phantom Conan.
Spake is not in my vocabulary though. Get it together man.
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