How do we decide what game is worthy "Console graphics king"?
UC2 and KZ2 are both very polished games with very high production values but are they really technically impressive games? I think not.
To crown a console graphics king you have to look at the whole picture not only the small selected parts that conveniently look good to you.
Zoom in on a few rock textures in KZ2 and compare the rock textures to those in another game, and the game with the best textures is the winner right? No!
So what about UC2 and KZ2, and I want the Cows to tell me why they think these two games are worthy console graphics king. Corridor games, linear (less to render), scripted physics, fake shadows and lightning, 2D skybox, limited interaction and limited animated objects on screen.
Do these two games really sound like console graphics kings to you? If you have to sacrifice and cut out 90% of the technical features just to get a few nice models on screen, is it worth it? UC2 might fool the new-comer but veteran gamers will look deeper and see all the things that are missing.
Is reach the new console graphics king, maybe. Untill I see the finnishes product it is very hard to estimate how taxating this game really is.
All I got out of this post is that you've never played Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2.
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