what was wrong with it?
Elevators rise and fall, its kind of their gimmick....
No they ascend and descend. They don't plunge if someone steps on them or in them. If an elevator could fall like that in real life how would anyone get up on top of them for repairs? Sure I am being nitpicly and seeing too much realism in things but this game is striving for realism and a connection with the characters.
Main reason I can't connect and hate Hate drake is the fact that he can do anything easily and come out fine. Kill a hundred dues, get shot, fall off a building or crash into something and he gets up and whimsically says "crap". I can't connect with someone like that because it's so out of the realm of realism. But that's fine the game doesn't strive for it.
TLOU however is known to try be more realistic and even ND said so themselves, they want you to feel what the characters feel and really bond with them, but how can I relate to a dude who falls down and elevator shaft about 30 feet and get up and be fine and just shrug it off.
The rest of the demo was stunning and really wowed me, that moment stuck out as over the top or unnecessary
The hell are you on about?
2 people jumped on an old and what I can assume is a rusted elevator that has been in di-use due to the whole viru-Apocalypse thing. Its not a stretch to see why it would plunged from the weight of 2 people jumpin on it.
The man landed in water, and slowly swam away. But if youre going to hold video games to the standards of real life, then youre in the wrong pass time.
Street cleaning simulator Game of the Year edition might up your alley though.
Anytime you people see an adverse effect on an environment in a game you knee-jerk into your Uncharted vitriol, as ironic as it sounds, its getting really tired.
Every time a camera backs up on a character people scream UNCHARTED/ MOVIE/ QTE and start running around with their hair on fire.
Please, im not gonna be the only one to think it. And as soon as he got on the elevator how many of you thought "This is gonna fall"? not only that but it falls AFTER the girl gets off? that's just as cliche as it gets. And busts your arguement of two people on it. If it was gonna give way it would have done it as soon as the girl landed on it, not the second she got off.
Like I said in Uncharted it's fine because it's all over the top action anyway. But when ND says they want to make a more realistic game and when you can see evidences of it everywhere in the game already, something like a 30 foot plunge from a crashing elevator sort of jarred the experience and went a bit overboard. The whole thing was highly highly immersive until that happened.
And like it or not but it did seem unchartedish and a lot of people will draw the same comparison
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