@ermacness said:
I never saw cows bashing the X1 for having games that run at a "locked" 30 fps, unless it's a multiplat, and the ps4 runs it at a higher fps, or it's not locked, and it dips under the 30 fps mark often.
That's some fcking cow logic for you there. Why would it matter if the XB1 runs a game at a lower average frame-rate than the PS4? Either a solid 30fps is ok, or it's not. You cows flip-flop so much we should probably just rename you fish.
Tomb Raider DE on the XB1 runs at a solid 30fps, while the PS4 version fluctuates between 40 and 50 fps mostly and has a lot of stutter. The XB1 version should be "perfectly fine" by what cows are saying in this thread.
But it's the same double standards we always see from cows. I remember last generation when cows downplayed the graphical advantages the PC had in terms of resolution and frame-rate and now suddenly they are all singing the praises of 60fps and 1080p and bashing the XB1 whenever it doesn't live up to those standards. (Never mind the fact that the PS4 doesn't either).
No truly graphically demanding game on PS4 is 1080p and 60fps.
KZSF? Nope. Around 30fps in single player and 40 to 50fps in multiplayer.
AC4? Nope. 30fps.
Tomb Raider? Nope. Highly variably framerate which swings between 33fps and 60fps, but spends most of it's time between 40-odd and 50-odd fps.
Knack? Mostly around 30fps, but variable with judder.
Need for Speed Rivals? 30fps.
The Order 1886? 30fps
Infamous Second Son? 30fps
Thief? Developer hinted at it being 30fps. Very likely to be 30fps.
Destiny? 30fps
The Witcher 3? 30fps
Anybody expecting 1080p/60fps to be common on the PS4 is naive. I have predicted the overwhelming majority of PS4 games would not be 60fps titles and every bit of evidence we have supports that conclusion. It will mostly be simple indie titles, a few racers, fighting games and other sports titles that are the few exceptions.
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