@zeeshanhaider said:
The Order is 800p and 30fps with even less polygons and will exactly be on rails and linear. How about that?
Oh and DF is credible when they declare PS4 as the winner and talks crap about X1 but not the other way around, gotcha. You can't go around change goal posts when it suits you. You were destroyed in the Crysis 3, Crysis 2 debate and you lost when the industry (note industry not just DF: there are many other sites who said the same thing) declared Ryse as the better looking game. There's no way for you to escape this time. Talk about 1080p...well The Order isn't 1080p either. Talk about other graphic features Ryse has them all and with high quality assets. Wanna discuss FPS The Order too is 30fps. Talking about achieving more with less, well Crytek is simply the winner in this case. There's no two way about it. Company with a better technology - Crytek hands down. Specs,? I don't need to mention Tablet Cpu and 570 GPU from 2010.
So, let's see you flip flop again. No matter what you choose, you will loose because you have exhausted all your options flip flopping. You may need to do a little more work thinking of something new this time.;)
Rise is 1680x900p..
The Order is 1920x800p and is a design choice not a hardware limitation.
Also you don't even know what the fu** you say,please link me to where is say that The Order is on Rails,do you even fu**ing know what on rails mean? It means that you can't move your characters,basically the AI does it for you and you only have a set number of gameplay actions you can execute,think like Time Crysis,you can't move when you want where you want,you have to wait until the game moves you that is on rail were the control you have over the actions the character does are severely limited.
There isn't videos about The Order gameplay out there so how the fu** do you even know how the game is.?
Oh they don't have to declare the PS4 the winner,Tomb raider performance difference was leaked before DF did any articles,because it was notable the difference,the PS4 version hit 60 FPS the xbox one locked at 30FPS,the PS4 version also had better effects and textures,the same happen with BF4 and Ghost before they were confirmed to be a difference by DF already it was leak that the performance was worse on xbox one.
I don't need DF to know what the PS4 can do and what more or less will be the advantage only morons do,the PS4 is basically a 7850 OC the xbox one a 7770 hell the update is not up yet to unlock the 8% so is even lower than 7770 performance.
Fact is you butthurt moron Ryse on PS4 would look even better than on xbox one and would be 1080p,30 FPS or more,this is a fact that games have confirm already pray,that ryse is not port to the PS4 you would look mighty sad.
Time to let that killzone hate go...lol
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