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Batman Arkham Asylum, Assassin Creed I,2, Brotherhood, Mass Effect 1, 2, Red Dead Redemption, Gears 1,2, 3, Uncharted 1,2,3, Killzone 1,2,3. Who says gameplay isn't getting better.CwlHeddwynHaven't played Batmen and AC, I believe ME, RDR , Gears, Uncharted, and Killzone are all possible in previous gen without the graphical enhancement. I can't really think of a game that is not achievable prior to this gen.
The Wii proved that the power of a console makes no difference to the majority of the console audience. MS and Sony have to try and steal some of the wii market in order to survive, cutting edge tech will not be the main concern.
I beg to differ. People bought the Wii for motion controls. If the Wii did not have this new tech then it would have failed miserably.
Are you trying to say that, given the motion controls were in place, the console wouldn't have sold more if it had produced better looking games than the PS3 and the 360? Surely if it offered all that they do AND motion control out of the box people wouldn't have bought the other consoles at all. Clearly there is a market for better tech.
The messed up part about this is that games like Sins of a Solar Empire and Minecraft or Angry Birds, which aren't huge budget games (minecraft even LESS so than Sins by A LOT) still do magnificently well. Truly, some of our peers are too hung up. . too connected to. . too concerned with graphics rather than innovation, 'originality', or creativity. Games like Dwarf Fortress prove that you don't need photo realism or anime intensity to woe people. You need a solid idea with graphics/art style that can convey it, with accessibility and playability. Most importantly of all, it has to be fun. True, some of us may believe graphics equal fun but for me? That just seems. . shallow. AncientDozer
Ho ho ho.. i'm a guy that loves playing co-op arcade games, shoot 'em ups, beat 'em ups and fighting games. With other people in my house, that's why i have 3 gamepads. Or other arcade games ported to the PC. Or dozens upon dozens of beat 'em ups on the SNES. Or fighting games on the PS2.
I even tried once to build my own arcade machine. It's not hard, i began to watch a lot of tutorials, i know how. I just needed money, back then i didn't have enough, now i do and i'll be damn if i wont build one and play it for hours upon hours with 10 guys i'm gonna call up, and get a ton a beer and smokes.
^^^ That's gaming. Am i alone? Well i wont be alone wen i'm gonna call up my entire neibourhood.
Now with that said, i'm hooked on graphics no more than the average person, i love eye candy, i love modding my games, i .. like online (online on consoles almost killed splitscreen though, bad move), and i'm kinda sick of seeing (some) devs try to tinker with optimizing these poor excuses of gimped PCs (consoles died with the popularity of online on them) for the 'wow' factor so they would sell. What do we have? Either extremely scripted linear games, with online, 'wow'ing' of how they look because they barely have anything, or horribly optimized open-world games that are big but have such a poor excuse of a artistic sty le, blurry mess of visuals, that it makes me cringe. (a.k.a GTA IV on consoles, which should have ben ported to next gen.)
If your gonna do something, make it good. With a new gen., it means more potential. With each new generation, we saw the rise of something popular that was not as popular before. With a new gen., we might see more fresh air, 'know what i mean? It's time..
The Wii proved that the power of a console makes no difference to the majority of the console audience. MS and Sony have to try and steal some of the wii market in order to survive, cutting edge tech will not be the main concern.
HHa ha ha ha! They are TAKING it that is why Nintendo is rushing new hardware on the market, to stay competitive with Sony & Microsoft. The Wii is dropping in value everyday, every month. There is still plenty of value for the 360 & PS3. REMEMBER people Nintendo is rushing this new system to get the games that Wii missed out on. The Wii sold the most because it was the CHEAPEST, not THE BEST. This new Nintendo will be in league with the Xbox 360 & Playstation 3. Sony & Microsoft should sit back and relax.
While further reading the replys of the thread, I realized many people are disagreeing with the TC saying the gen has lasted 6 years and we should move on. I think you guys are misinterpreting what TC is trying to say or perhaps the TC has enlighten me. The premise of hardware improvement is to allow video games to entertain their users in more innovating ways. Gameplay improvement from PS1/ N64 gen to PS2/ xbox/ GC gen is easily seen, we have vehicles in shooters; voice over etc. Sadly, these kind of improvements were less noticeable from last gen to the current gen. Games have become more expensive to produce and what we have now a days are high production value but uninspiring games. From what I've read in the OP, I realized that the PS3 and 360 have hardware that could achieve many things that previous gens cannot BUT these gameplay innovations are not happening! With better hardware power comes next gen, we'll still get yearly COD. New consoles are great but I sincerely hope developers are making games fun and not just pretty!hoplayletsplay
These Generation systems have not been maxed out. As you said production value is very high. Nintendo still needs to get on Microsofts & Sonys level in many areas.
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