The Wiimote obviously didn't enhance the game for some, ahem the quote I used maybe.....
And about lackluster titles on the Wii: Escape From Bug Island, reviewed in that same EGM, averaged out at a 2.6 for its score. NINTENDO HAS THE ABILITY TO STOP THAT. THEY AREN'T. They can look at a game, hate it, and yell "Go back to the drawing board!"
And this is working its way into my new sig: You've been calling it "Motion Censoring". That would mean that they are hiding motion. It's "Motion Sensing", because it detects motion. And you call yourself a sheep:lol:
Best you can do is insult my grammer, then your desperate for leverage.
Your making it sound like Nintendo is the only one with really poor games. EVERY SYSTEM HAS REALLY REALLY bad games! You want me to make a list of games MICROSOFT should of sent back to the drawing board?
Yeah, every console has sh*tty games, but games that are sh*tty on Wii are just that much worse becuase they have crappy graphics to boot. At least on the 360 version of Pirates Of the Carribean there were pretty decent graphics.
Ok, so Nintendo didn't specifically say that it would have great games, but it was more than obviously implied. You wouldn't sell a console without saying that it could do marvelous things in games. When you go out on a limb like Nintendo did with the Wii, you sure as hell better make sure that your consoleplays gameswhat it's supposed to do. And right now, Nintendo's console just isn't delivering on its abilities the way that the 360 is.
Ok, I'm dying now:lol:. 1st you spell Grammar wrong, 2nd it wasn't your grammar that was incorrect, it was your spelling/vocab.
And you're pulling things out of context, I stated points first THEN made fun of your "grammer". Highest priority in a post gets the highest positon in a post. That's how I look at it.
Okay, like I said before your desperate."censor" is a grammar error because it's spelled right but used in the wrong way. And all I can say is who owned who at timed writings all year long.
ANYWAY. Delivering on console abilities? You've used the examples of really bad games that score really low. BUT NO ONE CARES ABOUT THOSE GAMES. A system could have 150 games that score 1.0 and have 20 AAAE and it'd have the best quality of games. Just because nintendo has a lot poor quailty games coming out one end, doesn't mean they take away from the qauilty of the console.
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