If Gothic 3 to Gothic 4 happens to it, it will be horrible.
It won't happen. Pyranha Bytes has never watered down their games to attract larger audiences. doesn't mean they won't try.Doesnt mean it wouldn't still be a great game like ME2 and DA2 are.
I loved Risen and I hope its good, but even Risen left out alot of stuff from the early Gothic games and had a much smaller world/island, Risen was still a great game though despite some things being smaller or gone from Gothic1-3.
To be honest DA2 is pretty much what ME2 did from ME1, few things cut out but still a very enjoyable game, even if not as good as the first one. Definatly not up there with Origins, Baldurs Gate or KOTOR but still DA2 to me atleast was on the level of Jade Empire and ME2m while being more arcadey type games then typical Bioware games, still very well made and enjoyable.
Now if they went the Gothic3- Gothic4 or Operation Flashpoint - OFDR route and completely destroyed the series and made god aweful games I could see the hate, but if they pull a ME2 and improve somethings while cutting some other things out I wont be dissapointed at all (as thats what happened with Risen but was sitll amazing and better then Gothic1-3 in alot of ways, just game was on a much smalelr scale and optimized better).
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