[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]What people don't realise, is that it's just like any other multi-platform game. http://www.vg247.com/2011/02/15/broom-slick-the-witcher-2s-tomasz-gop-gears-for-launch/ "Any Witcher 2 console version will contain no "visually noticeable" difference over the PC SKU."ChubbyGuy40
Do you really think they would do something like that for a PC-focused game? That only means that if they end up porting it to consoles, its gonna get attention and real work to make it look the best it can. Even the minimum specs required for The Witcher 2 thrash consoles.
"It's doable to make a game that won't be crap." All it means is what I said above.
Next you'll say Battlefield 3 will look the same on console as it does on PC. :lol: Even games like Modern Warfare 2 and Mass Effect 2 look way better on PC.
You wanna see a game ruined by consoles? Look at ME2 and DA2. Yet, the "maybe it will not end up possible that we are thinking about maybe starting..." crap the devs keep saying to keep consolites interested means that it was designed for consoles first and PC second. If anything, it sounds like the testing they've done on consoles is really bad so far since they can't confirm anything.
Every PC game minimum specs trash consoles. AC : Brotherhood i think minimum is 8800 gt. Every game requires 2 gb and 8800 gt. IT's not really a valid argument.
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