[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] Never mind the fact that Renegade options in Mass Effect can be morally justified, unlike KOTOR I and II's Dark Side. While Atton's backstory is different, he acts like a typical male lead.texasgoldrushAtton does not act like the typical male lead... :? All of the Renegade options sound like they come from a bad Schwarzenegger film. Are you kidding? :lol: Here is renegade choice....Bring Down The Sky Kill the terrorist but sacrificing the hostages, in order so said terrorist won't strike again. Sacrifice three lives to save hundreds in the future. A Paragon would save the hostages but the terrorist gets away. The hostage or the bad guy...You think that it's original or something? He was right, it belongs in a bad Arnie movie.
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