@kvally said:
Looking at this gen, and looking what is available in comparable genre's and new IP's that are not remasters and only available on one or the other console. AAA retail only, no indies:
Arcade Racer
86: Xbox One: Forza Horizon 2
71: PS4: DriveClub
Open World Action
81: Xbox One: Sunset Overdrive
80: PS4: Infamous Second Son
Linear World, New IP, Shooter
79: PS4: Until Dawn
78: Xbox One: Quantum Break
63: PS4: The Order
Action Adventure
86: Xbox One: Rise of the Tomb Raider
0: PS4: Uncharted 4 (still don't have it yet)
81: PS4 Helldivers again not on xbox one
81: PS4 tearaway unfold.
74:PS4 One Piece not on xbox one.
87: Xbox One: Forza Motorsport 6
0: PS4: Gran Turismo Sport (still don't have it yet, and already had 2 on Xbox)
Hack and Slash
92: PS4: Bloodborne
76: PS4 : Samurai Warriors 4
78: Xbox One: Dead Rising 3
60: Xbox One: Ryse
0: Scalebound (still don't have it yet)
85: Xbox One: Killer Instinct Season 2 (no score for 3 yet)
77: PS4: Street Fighter V
84: PS4: Guilty Gear Yeah is not on xbox one.
84: Xbox One: Halo 5
86: Xbox One: Titanfall
73: Killzone 4
78: PS4: Planet Side 2.
Based on that list, it sure seems like the Xbox One is indeed holding it's own. We are still waiting for some games to come out in certain genres on the PS4. We are waiting 3 years for a Gran Turismo game (and it's not even the full fledged game). We still don't have our action adventure game, Uncharted. But the Xbox has covered all the bases, with scores better than, as good as, and at some points, not as good as.
check your list again...lol
If you count Tomb Raider the last of us is valid.
MLB 2014 - 83%
MLB 2015 80%
MLB 2016 85%
86: PS4 FF XlV
80: PS4: Disgaea
77: PS4: DQ Heroes
72: PS4: Tales of Zestiria
You just waited 3 freaking years for Quantum Break and didn't die oh and it flopped hard.
Check your action adventure genre list again dude,
So were are the xbox one RPG.? Were are its sport games.? Did you know MLB charted last year on March,april and may the 3 months on NPD.? Forza 6 and Forza horizon 2 could not even chart 1 month,neither did Sunset Over drive.
And that is ignoring that you on purpose omitted indies because it doesn't go your freaking way,which is a joke by the way considering the best score game on xbox one last year that wasn't on PS4 was Ori and the blind Forest,a damn indie game if it wasn't for that game the xbox one would have go gameless for 7 months or until rare collection hit.
That is why your argument is a made to order one and pathetic by the way,play fair or don't play at all as simple as that,putting Tomb Raider there and dead rising but not putting games on PS4 and also on PC is a joke.
@jagoff said:
I'm sorry, but what does the PS4 have beyond just Bloodborne?
Fact of the matter is that both systems are severely underperforming when it comes to their exclusive libraries. Please don't act like this is a heavily lopsided situation here.
Uncharted in 1 month,Ratchet in 5 days,already got MLB a few days ago and Salt and Sanctuary,the last 2 have 85% on meta.
Now what does the xbox one at all,considering QB basically flopped and Gears is not do for several months.
The PS4 has some 200 games more if you don't think that gap is big enough what is.
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
LOL what you upset about LOL. You don't know what hypocrite means if you think you've ever caught me being one dude LOL. When did I say the X1 has a better lineup than the PS4 this year, please point that out to me I've said the PC to me has the best lineup of games this year, I said the X1 had the better lineup last year, I stand by everything I've said on here so you can never call me out for being anything.
For you to tell anyone their preference is irrelevant is asinine period. You can't dictate what someone like, that's not for you to decide. If someone thinks any Xbox game is better than any Playstation game then that's their opinion, have you heard of that word before? Most people in here think your irrelevant really cause of these clown post you put up all the time dude. You can't wrap your head around anyone liking anything other the Playstation like you made the console LOL. You take this way too seriously to a put where you sound retarded, especially when you start telling people their opinion is irrelevant LOL. Get a grip dude for real. Do you even play any games or do you be on here just monitoring peoples post all day LOL.
Oh i think is you who doesn't know what that word means.
No is not your preference is IRRELEVANT,did i call in mine.? Yeah is because what you like is not what other like so you don't represent the market which is why the PS4 is selling great and the xbox one isn't because a few lemmings here don't represent the mass market.
No what i can't wrap my head around is hypocrisy,like yours like the dude i just quote now on this post as well,setting parameters to what is valid and whats is not,letting games like The last of Us out but using freaking tomb Raider,this are all sad arguments artificially created to make the xbox one look better,there are some 200 games more on PS than on xbox one no amount of damage controls will change that or will change the perception of people no matter how much he try to pretend indies don't count or that multiplatforms games only count when they are on PC and xbox one.
Just like you did as well.
@BigShotSmoov007 said:
This dude just makes up garbage as he goes along LOL.
That is funny i just quote him saying a game is garbage that game has 86% how can it be garbage explain please maybe you find a way to explain it,worse i quote him defending Halo 5 86 score.. hahahaa
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