@cainetao11 said:
Ok. I'm a hypocrite. Feel better?
What do I have to call Halo better than KZ other than scores? I own every release of both series and enjoy Halo more. What more do I need?
Yes at least you have the gust to admit it..lol
That doesn't prove is better that is your biased opinion,and you are a lemming so again the only way you can claim FACTUALLY that halo is better is scores.
@cainetao11 said:
@sts106mat: Yeah dude, he really takes this stuff serious. He has no concept of entertainment being about what entertains the individual; might have kept a "lipstick list" of people that hurt his feelings last gen (Billy Madison reference) and has been counting the days for his revenge; might be of special needs due to his reliance and belief that things like metacritic definitely mean one game is factually, under God, better than another.
Bullshit..hahahahaa You people double standard this gen is so pathetic is not even funny,and comes from always the same lemmings,who claim mostly to not be lemmings.. ahahahaa
So while you try to do a balancing act on a extremely fine and oiled cable,all crap which you lemmings bragged about last gen now this gen don't matter.
For 2 generations on a row lemmings bragged about graphics and power,countless threads about the 360 version having a few more frames,or few more pixels,lemmings making a parade because GTA4 was 720p on xbox one and 640p on PS3,now they don't even see a damn difference even on extreme cases like 720p vs 1080p.
Last gen the tune was the xbox 360 outselling the PS3,oh only on US by the way which lemmings consistently try to imply was the only important market because it was the biggest,endless threads about NPD being won by the 360,oh the 36 months winning streak remember all that crap.?
Last gen and the gen before that to,Halo and Forza from the xbox days hyped to the moon for being high rated,last gen oh brother last gen the threads were endless about how superior the xbox 360 line up was based on nothing but scores,How gears was great and Resistance was meh because well it score 86 vs Gears superior 94%,last gen a freaking 8 was nothing,Resistance Infamous,ratchet,warhawk,first uncharted all downplay because if it wasn't 9 it wasn't good enough.
Still to this day Uncharted 1 still see average,or not good a damn game with a 88 score..lol
Now this gen even 78 is great.
Is not me it is you people the problem and your constant double edge arguments the problem,i am sure that if Halo,forza and gears would have score 93 or 94 this gen the tune would be different now.
@kvally said:
I am fine with my PS4 purchase, even though it barely has any games, is loud, has no IR, doesn't allow me to connect additional HDD storage for game installs, maxes out at 2TB (with no games, haven't filled 2TB anyway), piece of shit ear dongle, paltry 8 person party chat, and shitty ass PSN+ free games quality dropping like flies. I am fine with THAT shit sandwich, so I will be fine with my Xbox shit sandwich.
Wow, that's shitty. Why am I gaming????
lol Blackace you really are epic..lol
@beardmad said:
Microsoft's problem is their failure to position the Xbox in the minds of consumers as the best console to own.
It's the same failure as the PS3 last generation where you recall that even though the PS3 started getting games late in its life it still lost to the 360 each month while the 360 no longer even had to try.
That's currently what's going on. The PS4 doesn't have 40 million sales because of its piss poor lineup of exclusives. It simply didn't have a year and a half of bad news articles coming out every week after its reveal as the Xbox One had. People are buying the PS4 for the multiplatform games. It's a reversal from last generation.
No you can't position a platform in that form,the reality is the PS4 has more games and higher rated ones,which people do see because well most aren't blind.
No the PS3 was $600 arrived 1 year late,and had few games vs a more established consoles,with good games,see what i just told cainetao is 100% true look at how you claim that even that the PS3 started getting games late in its life it sill loss to the 360 each month.
Where did the PS3 loss.? Oh yeah only US and UK world wide PS3 > xbox 360 each month since it launched even at $600,is this sad notion that only US matter and fu** the rest of the world which was one of MS biggest problems,you don't win with US alone and the 360 in this very moment is 3rd on last gen race the PS3 pass it,even with a year late and a horrible starting price.,by 2006 the PS3 had a very high rated game MGS4,that without the counting tons of other games like Uncharted,Motorstorm,warhawk,Ratchet,and many other that weren't quite 9 but were 80+.
No that is not what is currently happening the PS4 has some 200 games over the xbox one 200 man,and both launched a damn week from each other,how you grow a 200 game gap in just 2+ years.?
That is the reality some of you wish to ignore i tell you this,you can close your eyes and pretend the PS4 has nothing,fact is that is has more than 200 games over the xbox one,it has higher rated games to and has at least 1 critically acclaim and high rated exclusive,something the xbox one still lack 2+ years into its life cycle the xbox 360 in this time frame had more than 6 games rated 9 or better,the xbox one has non because even a remake of mostly 9 games MS screw up and ended with 85 Halo MCC.
The bad press MS got is deserved they LIE to every one and try to sugar coat some very anti consumer policies,those policies were leaked,just like the weak specs,if MS instead of hiding and denying things telling people to not believe what they read online,would have invested that energy coming clean about everything hell even if they change it,because people demanded to,it would have being better.
Fact is MS deny for months what was being leaked only to half admit it,then sugar coat it and try to convince every one it was good for them.
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