We have been in this generation for about 3 years now, and its pretty much established(outside of system wars) that everyone has there own taste in games. Now because this, there are many companies that advertise to diffrent markets and bring diffrent types games and or accessories to the table to help sell their product.
Now when we look at what this generation has to offer: there is the Wii which markets family fun and interaction for entertainment. Millions have fallen in love with the Wii(if you havent there is no need to share your opinion). Then on the otherside of the spectrum there is the PS3 and 360, which offer highend graphics and a more"mature"(As many here like to call it) gaming experience. But is there really a need for 3? in years past, or as far as I can remember, there was always 2 spotlight consoles and then PC. When I started gaming, it was Sega vs Nintendo, then Sony and Nintendo(sega bumped to the shadows) and then MS, Sony Nintendo and Sega(though that died fast) and then now. I hated last gen(as well as this gen) for creating so many systems because Im one of those gamers that wants the best from all worlds...but has a small budget.
Now while I hate to single out Microsoft and the 360, is there really a need? Heres the part where I get ready for the nonsensical faboy flame based attacks...please before you start attacking here me out. The one system out of all 3 which has yet to capture my attention is the Xbox 360, now while I know it all boils down to taste I have my reasons. While this isnt the systems falt but the companies, all exclusive games that debut on the 360 either end up on another system(more so PS3 then Wii) or the PC(typically window based systems...sorry MAC users). Now with that being said, is there really a need for it in the gaming world?
Again before you flame me, I know the 360 is fun...BUT(and that is a big but lol) most of its hit games are on or heading to other systems:
Dead Rising
Mass Effect
and based on previous games...
Halo and Fable
...so what need is there for one? I personally am not going to get one because Im on a budget and I have other resources but what is your reason for getting one? (who knows I might strike gold somewhere!!)
Well I own all three so I really have no issues with that aspect but I hear what you're saying and I'll try to hit on a few topics.
First I was the same as you. I had no interest in Xbox 360 until I got one. I got mine about two years ago (This Aug) and I got it as a birthday gift. I really wasn't interested in getting one I wanted the PS3, but my fiance knowing I love games got me one and that changed everything. The games look great, most of the titles are fun, LIVE is spectacular (so long as you have a bevy of gaming buddies who like to play online AND you like playing online) and of course the achievements system. So I suggest trying out the experience first before completely knocking it off since it made me a believer and changed my scope on things. BTW I also had the same initial notion with the Wii. No interest until I got one.
Now let's talk about the games on 360 and why they are ported. First off 360 is a home video game CONSOLE. KEY word console. While MANY gamers lump PC in this discussion the PC is not a home console and while they play games and most times the same games they are NOT the same. Microsoft on the other hand thinks differently. I mean they ARE just as much about PC as they are with home consoles now. They want ot target both parties PC gamers and home console players. You not buying a 360 because most exclusives find their way to PC does not worry them since you will then be gaming on their "gaming for windows" package. It's still a win for them, BUT home console gaming is still a BIGGER demographic and hence why you'll have Xbox titles on PC and since they are both easily programmed for all the more reason to make them for both. Now as far as games going to PS3. You have it backwards. MORE titles come to 360 from PS3 then vise versa. In fact Microsoft has secured more third party once Playstation exclusives this gen then the other way around. Which says ALOT for Microsoft and the strides it's made this gen. The NEED for one is simple. I don't game on PC. In fact I hate it. I prefer home consoles and always will. I don;t like knowing if my videocard will be moot in 6 months, or that I have to configure a gamepad instead of playing with a mouse and keyboard. There's just to much hassle and also games come to the console faster then the PC counterpart usually. You can't simply assume that all gamers have a good enough rig or even for that matter game on a PC to start dismissing the 360 as useless.
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