I was a PC gamer for a long time but for the last few years I've been gaming mainly on consoles.I could't remember why i swiched but it all came back to me.
There is always some freaking prbolem with the freaking PC (and yes in my mind the "word" is not "freaking").Always.
I decided to do some PC gaming today .Wanted to try out steam.So I got the all time hermit favorite the Witcher for 15 euro.
I'll give you a very short version. All of this took me half a day counting steam registration game download ect ect.
I start up the game and ofcourse there is some strange glitch (i could see lights through walls (like fires, torches.)
So what do I do?Google it. So I did and found a "solution". I need to do something in a program called nHancer. I get the lastest version but I can't install it cus I need NET framework 3.5 or later.So I get the framework 4.0, install it but nHancer still says it needs framework 3.5 or later (wtf).Ok so... what do I do now ? Get an older version of nHancer.This time it installs.I start up the program and oh snap an... an error, program doesn't work properly.
At this point I'm like **** it. I'm not going to waste anymore of my time and I'm not gonna play a glithced out game.15 euro down the drain.Great.
The only games worth playing on a PC are blizzard games.There is always something wrong with the PC.If its no the game its a program or a driver or whatever. I was used to all this wen I was "PC only gamer" but wen I look back it now its just not worth it.Consoles are some much better.Simple is a GOOD thing.They may lack graphics but atleast you don't waste half a day just to find out your game won't work like it should.
My PC is just for starcraft 2 I guess.
You're wasting your time. I started a thread not too long ago about one thing i really hate about pc gaming - and that is basically about troubleshooting. And the troubleshooting can take up to a full day or two days to solve a problem. To make a long story short, my thread was bombarded with pc elitists with all the "It's your fault for not being able to troubleshoot well enough." vibe.
It's not like console are problem free... Your experience is different then mine, doens't make PC or Console worst because you had a bad experience.
I said that and it was completely ignored. The old 360's had a 52% failure rate.
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