That problem is from using SLi. I know since I run SLi, have to disable SLi in the nvidia control panel.I was a PC gamer for a long time but for the last few years I've been gaming mainly on consoles.I could't remember why i swiched but it all came back to me.
There is always some freaking prbolem with the freaking PC (and yes in my mind the "word" is not "freaking").Always.
I decided to do some PC gaming today .Wanted to try out steam.So I got the all time hermit favorite the Witcher for 15 euro.
I'll give you a very short version. All of this took me half a day counting steam registration game download ect ect.
I start up the game and ofcourse there is some strange glitch (i could see lights through walls (like fires, torches.)
So what do I do?Google it. So I did and found a "solution". I need to do something in a program called nHancer. I get the lastest version but I can't install it cus I need NET framework 3.5 or later.So I get the framework 4.0, install it but nHancer still says it needs framework 3.5 or later (wtf).Ok so... what do I do now ? Get an older version of nHancer.This time it installs.I start up the program and oh snap an... an error, program doesn't work properly.
At this point I'm like **** it. I'm not going to waste anymore of my time and I'm not gonna play a glithced out game.15 euro down the drain.Great.
The only games worth playing on a PC are blizzard games.There is always something wrong with the PC.If its no the game its a program or a driver or whatever. I was used to all this wen I was "PC only gamer" but wen I look back it now its just not worth it.Consoles are some much better.Simple is a GOOD thing.They may lack graphics but atleast you don't waste half a day just to find out your game won't work like it should.
My PC is just for starcraft 2 I guess.
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