How do you guys feel about Sony's "revolutionary" console, now that it's been out for over a year, and we've seen what it can do?
I know Sony overhypes their consoles, but this is rediculous. Sony promised a console that would be able to deliver things we've never seen before in a video game. What do we really get? A bloated movie player. The 360 more than holds it's own against the PS3, considering the PS3 came out a year later. What's worse is devs are having to dumb down the resolution, and force players to install half of the game to their HDD to even keep up with the 360. Why are cows not upset about this?
Sony takes out features after the console has been out for 6 months, then adds features later in the game, making people pay $50+ for old technology. I would be highly upset if I were a cow. Sony cannot make up thier mind.
I don't even want to get into all of the vaporware that Sony has been promising.
Where's the revolution? Where's the innovation? I don't want to hear, "Devs haven't tapped into the hidden power yet, just wait!" That didn't work for the PS2, and it won't work here.
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