[QUOTE="Muzzle_Flashes"][QUOTE="MortalDecay"] How do you guys feel about Sony's "revolutionary" console, now that it's been out for over a year, and we've seen what it can do?
I know Sony overhypes their consoles, but this is rediculous. Sony promised a console that would be able to deliver things we've never seen before in a video game. What do we really get? A bloated movie player. The 360 more than holds it's own against the PS3, considering the PS3 came out a year later. What's worse is devs are having to dumb down the resolution, and force players to install half of the game to their HDD to even keep up with the 360. Why are cows not upset about this?
Sony takes out features after the console has been out for 6 months, then adds features later in the game, making people pay $50+ for old technology. I would be highly upset if I were a cow. Sony cannot make up thier mind.
I don't even want to get into all of the vaporware that Sony has been promising.
Where's the revolution? Where's the innovation? I don't want to hear, "Devs haven't tapped into the hidden power yet, just wait!" That didn't work for the PS2, and it won't work here.
Level 30 and this ignorant and fanboyish...shame...
Like Microsoft never overhyped things, HD-DVD, upgraded HD sizes, critisized nintendo for motion control but now there in talks of it, brag about HD-DVD but now in talks about taking blu-ray...
How are lems not mad...tell me this please...
$230 for an overpriced dumbed down pc rip off....
PC does everything the 360 does, for free, has all of 360's best games out on pc
PC does mods, gets some of the 360 games add-on content for free included in the game...
360 can't do mods, has no standardized hard drive, has overpriced hard drives acessible...
60 dollars a year for xbl, but pc offers videos, tv shows, mods, millions of gamers, and everything the 360 has on live for 0 dollars a year, you don't have to pay for Microsoft to host a server of YOUR connection, on pc its free...
Paying 60 JUST TO SEE THIS STUFF, doesn't mean every single person will buy the stuff on the marketplace, some people just play online everyday for fun, and don't buy anything...
Not to mention paying for lag, and if you disagree teamxbox.com even said xbox lives a rip off...
Can't even do real hd, pc has higher resolution and all 360's best games, mods, free online play included...
You call me ignorant, yet you bring up the PC? :| When did this become a 360 Vs. PC thread? You can't come up with any reasonable arguement for the PS3, so you need to bring up the PC in it's defense?
There is not one single company out there without their own flaws. I never once said MS was perfect, in any way. Yet, in typical cow fashion, I am labeled a fanboy. Why? Because I pointed out the numerous flaws on Sony, and the PS3. This is system wars. This is were these kind of things are discussed. It's not my fault the cows can't handle the truth.
So, instead of wondering why Sony has such a long history of false promises, and why they released such a weak console compared to what they originally hyped, all cows know how to do is throw in the words "RROD", and "OMG FANBOY!" when someone brings up a valid arguement.
I wouldn't mind owning a PS3, if Sony got their crap together.
If anything this thread has proven how rabid cows can get when they defend a company that has lied to them way too many times.
what he's trying to say is, obviously cows here own pc's otherwise they wouldn't be able to come on here. therefore if we really wanted to play ALL of the 360's AAA games all we;d have to do is buy them for pc. not only that but pc games are cheaper, run at higher resolution, free online, free mods, and all the extra content that you had to pay for on the 360. and yes that is almost ALL of the 360's AAA games. they aren't exclusive if they're on another platform. i mean EVERY SINGLE lemming here has said that NGS is not exclusive...whats so different about GeOW(among others) being on the pc then??? therefore the 360 is pretty much AAAEless just like the PS3.
and saying things like cows always revert to the RROD, so what, its a valid arguement. plus lemming always revert to the, we have the choice, or the no AAAE's argument, or even more recently the DRE in the PS2 last gen(which at least sony fixed). the FACT is lemmings get milked with the 360. wifi should be standard, HDD should be standard, wireless rechargeable controllers should be standard, HDMI should be standard, no power brick should be standard. the list goes on and on. just as with ps3 though, custom soundtracks should be standard, in game XMB should be standard. however i find the 360s list to be far worse then the ps3's as the ps3 is mostly all a simply software update, whereas the 360 is mostly hardware.
also i've seen ALOT of sale arguements...uhhh the 360 was something like 11 million ahead of the ps3 a year ago and nows its less then 5 million ahead. ps3 seems to be closing the gap pretty quickly if you ask me. and multiplat games these days have ALL been superior on the PS3. thats not to say that in the beginning they were, but even gamespot these days is saying the ps3 versions are loading faster, have better framerates, less pop in, basically just overall slightly better. how can lems even try to argue this anymore
edit:just realized i said we instead of they when referring to the cows. i myself am a manticore. i go where the games that interest me are. BTW everyone bashing on the wii seriously needs to play its AAAE's. but beyond that i cant recommend anything else for it
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