[QUOTE="enygma500"][QUOTE="speedsix"][QUOTE="enygma500"][QUOTE="speedsix"][QUOTE="enygma500"] and all the current multiplats are running better and faster on the ps3.
What!? Please tell me you are not being serious?
I've noticed PS3 fans seem to be resorting to either very unsubstantial points such as batteries or appearance. Flat out irrelevant arguments like bringing the PC into the topic or worse still, making up complete nonsense facts like the one above. Absolutely pathetic.
i made it very clear that the CURRENT MULTIPLATS are running better on ps3. GS and IGN are both saying this in their reviews GTA for example. im not just pulling **** outta my ass. for the first while xbox 360 dominated the multiplats but not anymore. just because its was like that in the beginning doesn't mean thing haven't changed...also i never said signifigantly better and faster. its only slightly right now and even then i still believe that it could be left a little to personal opinion. also alot of this could be chalked up to the ps3 being capable of installing games. however im not lying about anything ive said and if that arguement is all that you can even find wrong with my posts then that still doesn't stop the other guy from being wrong...so dont try to tell me im wrong.
as for batteries and appearance. no cow has actually used that as a serious arguement. that ive seen anyways. and why should we not be able to bring pc into the arguement???it is after all part of the console wars. the pc is only irrelevent when cows say that all the 360's best are also on pc thus making them not exclusive. but that fact is if i can get the same game on a different platform the game is not exclusive. didn't you lems argue this to the death about NGS.
1. GTA on the 360 is a higher resolution, has anti-aliasing where the PS3 doesn't and runs at a higher framerate.
2. PCs are irrelevant to most console gamers. They sure are for me and pretty much all my gaming friends.
1. saying GTA runs with aa and at higher resolution on 360 doesn't make it look better, sure its looks better on paper, but my eyes tell me the paper it lying. as i said in my previous post. hell all you lems have said this same thing about halo(640p or whatever but still looks great)....also if GTa on ps3 is running at lower resolution and without AA but still looks better then GTA on the 360 doesn't that prove the ps3 superiority???
2. just because the pc is irrelevent to you doesn't mean that its not part of the system wars, therefore all my arguements about 360 games being ported to the pc are valid. as i said before IF I CAN GET THE GAME ON A DIFFERENT PLATFORM ITS NOT EXCLUSIVE. how can you even sit there and try to argue this FACT. you lemmings have said it thousands of times. suddenly with the truth glaring you in the face it somehow doesn't matter anymore???
The PS3 version of GTA has a few artistic differences such as the warmer colour palette and the soft post processing filter which I agree, some people will prefer. Technically the 360 version is superior no bones about it.
I still stand by my point that pc gaming is irrelevant to the majority of console owners.
ps3 has far less pop in and faster loading...how again is the 360 version superior then???while i will agree that the wamer color palette is subjective. also if you try to say the ps3 let you install games so it loads faster is not a valid point. its one of the ps3's capabilities and imo the 360 should do the same thing
theres more pc gamers in this world then there is console gamers... so i would think it should be the other way around saying console are irrelevent to pc gamers. and like i said just because you dont like it doesn't make it truepc has always been part of the system wars and thats the way it is.
from this point on im pretty much just gonna say you have your opinion and i have mine. and agree to disagree cause this is gonna go on forever otherwise
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