This has to be the stupidest arguement I have ever seen brought up against the 360, and I am a COW. Really? The ads that "cover" the dashboard? Funny, Im on the 360 dashboard right now, and on the Spotlight section (the 360 equivalent of the "whats new" section on PS3), and right now I dont see a single non-game related ad on the system. There is usually ONE ad up there, like a Nissan ad or something, but you have to actively go out of your way to see it.
This is how you identify people who do not own 360s or regularly play them, if you are pointing this out as a legitimate concern to your gaming experience.
These are the ads you are complaining about:
You will spend an entire 4 seconds in this screen. Also, note that this is the ONLY non 360 gaming related ad in this section, and I had to scroll through like 10 the ads just to find it. Every single ad on there except this Nissan one is advertising something 360 related. Right now, there is an ad for Gears 3, an ad for extending your XBL for $1, some s*** about Kinect, an add for Fifa12, and a host of other 360 related things. The Nissan ad was actually 7 ads down. Are you telling me that this bothers you?
But lets look at PS3.....would you look at that! an ad for Lil' Wayne's "the Carter 4" on PS3, and the movie THOR. I guess your PS3 gaming experience is ruined :roll: . (also, note that after taking this picture, there is a footbal ad up there for Direct TV "NFL Sunday Ticket". Guess that ruins your experience huh?
The thing about it is...who cares? Not only do you spend 4 seconds on here, you have to actively go out of your way just to even see the ads. This is the stupidest arguement I have ever seen a PS3 fanboy use to discredit the 360, and I am a Cow.
Can any 360 owners ever say that they have been bothered by this? (or even acknowleged the existence of these ads?)
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