Wait... hold on! There are ads?
Seriously though... as you've shown in your pictures, the ads aren't even "in your face" like a popup window on the PC. It's odd that people have problems with ads anyways. I've said in another thread, advertisements are everywhere - PS3 users are choosing to point out that they are on the 360, for some reason. They are literally EVERYWHERE. Internet, TV, bus stops, buses, billboards, radio, Xbox, PS3, Hulu, Youtube, Gamespot..... you can't go a day without seeing an advertisement for something - if you did, there wouldn't be a company left that was making a profit. They spend the money on ads because people buy their stuff when they see it.
Just because ads are everyone doesn't mean they have to be EVERYWHERE. **** it Microsoft, I'm paying for Live, I shouldn't have to put up with this. Especially when almost every other online service allows multiplayer gaming to be free.
1. The ads aren't all up in your **** - and you know it.
2. Then don't, buy a PS3.
3. "Almost every other online service allows multiplayer gaming to be free".... such as? We're talking about consoles, first of all. Second of all, if you want to go down that road let's think of WoW, Eve, and all the other MMOs that AREN'T free. If we're still talking about consoles - 1/2 charge. Xbox charges - PS3 doesn't. Nintendo (really? Do I have to explain this one?)
1. They're enough to be a nuisance. Do I care about Nissan's next car lineup, or Axe's newest deodorant? No, I don't. I can navigate the PS3's XMB which is almost completely devoid of ads. Not the same case with the 360's interface.
2. Already have a PS3, if it wasn't for friends, I wouldn't have gotten the 360.
3. MMOs aren't a fair comparison, as they need subscription fees as they have no alternative sources of income. Microsoft, on the other hand, has plenty. I'm sure Microsoft doesn't need ads in XBL to make a profit ,but they just throw them in there anywayon top of the additional fees already, even if the customer is already paying a subscription.
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