Seriously. Ads before videos (on any site, including Gamespot :P) are much worse than ads I've encountered on any console.
Youtube is free. Gamespot is free. PSN is free. Xbox Live Gold isn't. Apparently you guys don't understand this concept.no you are just not understanding what a ad is.
look at youtube pretty much everything you see on the front page is a advertisment to that video, it is also how people make money from youtube. and also websites get money from amount of traffic, more traffic, more money. everyone wants you to go to there website, think what would happen if no one went to gamespot, would it really be what it is now? now. Xbox Live can't work that way
Free websites make money from ads. Xbox Live makes money from you. Putting ads in a paid subscription is blasphemy, I don't understand why people are trying to say otherwise. Imagine if WoW suddenly had ingame ads, or Netflix.
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