1. How stupid is the Concil?
Ok, in the first game the Concil was pretty stupid, but in the second they were complete morons. So they tell me that they don't beilve that the Reapers are a threat when a Reaper destroyed their fleet and killed everyone on the cidatel. And they tell me " Meh, nothing to worry about, nothing but an isolated incident". Yeah, ok Bioware try harder next time! These were supposed to be the wisest of the species, to make decisions affecting the entire galaxy and they can't admit the reapers exist WHEN A REAPER ALMOST KILLED THEM. Remember that WEAK WRITTING I WAS TALKING ABOUT? Don't even tell me "They were afraid to admit the truth" that was the excuse in the first game and it barely worked then, but now...
2. Nobody cares about human colonies?
So humans are a member of the concil now, they have enourmous galactic power, but when entire colonies dissapear no one is willing to do anything about it? Ok, at first they didn't know what was causing it , but you have proof that the collectors are behind it, and no one wants to do anything about it? Except Sheppard ofcourse, but what happened to the Alliance ? Do they have their heads inside their asses the entire game? They ignore it like nothing's happened and its thousands of lives we're talking about. No human in the entire game i met cared about that.
3. How many reapers are there?
I seem to remember that i boarded a reaper that was 25 million years old. So if the reapers returned every 50 000 years, that would mean that they assimilated 500 races. So there are 500 types of reapers out there at least correct? If every reaper is moddeled after a certain race, then WHY DO ALL THE REAPERS LOOK THE SAME? There should be 500 different reapers out there (And according that almost all the advanced races are humanoids, then most of them should look like humanoids). If anyone remembers the cutscene at the end all the reapers were coming and they all looked the same, they all looked like the Sovereign, like a giant bug. This is a plot hole, you can't convince me otherwise. Even the ancient reaper looked the same as the rest.
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