If it does, then I shall leave these forums and never return.
Seriously, I'm not saying it won't be a good game. It will be. Hell, it's on the the top of my Most Anticipated List right now. But my problem is with the fanboys who make it out to be like the second coming of Christ. Thos people who seriously believe that Uncharted 2 is the Next Big Thing in gaming. Come on, people, wake up, get real. Uncharted 2 is an evolution, not a revolution. It refines and smoothes out age old concepts, but it does ABSOLUTELY nothing to warrant a 10.
I still think it'll get a 9.0- 9.5. I have no doubt that it'll be a great game, possibly one of the highlights of this generation. However, this is just a reminder for those blinded by their fanboyism that Uncharted 2 really does not, and will not ever, deserve a 10.
End rant.
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