@mr_huggles_dog: no worries. Offer will always stand though.
It looks good, but this game can never achieve greatness in graphics. It just looks so.... cartoony, which isn't a bad thing, but it doesn't stand well with higher tier graphical set pieces. Also, some of the designs in the environment are extremely basic and don't seem to stand up to real life detail at all.
@ 11:50
So what's the argument in here again?
Sorry lems desperate attempt fails again.
Thread derail, time for damage control rescue mission phase 2 lems..
attempt at what exactly?
Take your persecution complex and leave,not once did he slate UC4 and he said it was a similar solution used in QB, which it is.
Your belief that he is damage controlling is all in your over reacting ,paranoid head.
You seem to be taking my post personally and crying because I pointed out the flaw in this desperate post because you are also a desperate and deceitful lemming who would want to promote this thread if someone like me hadn't called him out on it.
lol my "persecution complex" is a problem for you because I call out someone for trying to present misinformation to people but you only have an issue with me and not the person trying to mislead people?
LMAO, cry me a river of tears bud. I don't care about your hurt feeling or your desperation to promote lies out of your psychotic obsession with hating sony fans.
You are trying to stand up for someone who is trying to promote misinformation, get off your high horse trying to talk to me as if you are someone worthy of listening to with your dumb sony fan bashing crusade FOH!
But he wasn't spreading misinformation, i suggest you read the op properly beyond just reading the title or is more than you can manage?
Similar basically means 'not the same' so he was quite clear in his op
Basic English, learn to understand it
@ 11:50
So what's the argument in here again?
Sorry lems desperate attempt fails again.
Thread derail, time for damage control rescue mission phase 2 lems..
attempt at what exactly?
Take your persecution complex and leave,not once did he slate UC4 and he said it was a similar solution used in QB, which it is.
Your belief that he is damage controlling is all in your over reacting ,paranoid head.
You seem to be taking my post personally and crying because I pointed out the flaw in this desperate post because you are also a desperate and deceitful lemming who would want to promote this thread if someone like me hadn't called him out on it.
lol my "persecution complex" is a problem for you because I call out someone for trying to present misinformation to people but you only have an issue with me and not the person trying to mislead people?
LMAO, cry me a river of tears bud. I don't care about your hurt feeling or your desperation to promote lies out of your psychotic obsession with hating sony fans.
You are trying to stand up for someone who is trying to promote misinformation, get off your high horse trying to talk to me as if you are someone worthy of listening to with your dumb sony fan bashing crusade FOH!
But he wasn't spreading misinformation, i suggest you read the op properly beyond just reading the title or is more than you can manage?
Similar basically means 'not the same' so he was quite clear in his op
Basic English, learn to understand it
He's a PS4 Cultist, he can not see reason. These goons think Playstation is gfx king for the last 3 gens, there is no talking to them rationally.
IT is best to ignore them.
Whatever it takes to make a great game, I'm all for it. Dynamo, thanks for making an interesting topic. It's always enjoyable seeing who lacks reading comprehension and goes 0-100mph in seconds in the wrong direction.
But he wasn't spreading misinformation, i suggest you read the op properly beyond just reading the title or is more than you can manage?
Similar basically means 'not the same' so he was quite clear in his op
Basic English, learn to understand it
The thread title says:
You dumb f*** that is misinformation right in the title you blind lemming! No where is the information presented, even in this video he posted, is there a notion that Uncharted 4 is using using a lower resolution to "achieve" 1080p.
Reconstruction for shadows doesn't have any reflection on the actual base render of a game. You just jump all in to defend his argument because he's a xbox fanboy and I'm a Sony fan and you've always had the same idiotic mentality.
delta3074: "forget if he's right, he's a xbox fan, I must defend him!"
If you weren't such a defensive dick riding xbox shill you could acknowledge the fault of fanboys on your preferred platform when they are guilty of misleading and deceitful propaganda but that's beyond your ability so save me the attempt to preach at me while hypocritically trying to promote the lies and misinformation that your fellow fanboys spew.
like I said FOH, save both me and you time wasted and stay off my quote chain and don't try to *preach* to me about anything ever again. Out of all the dumbass fanboys I hate your type the most, Stupid bitches trying to preach to other groups about what they should and shouldn't do while being complete blind fanboy promoters of everything desperate fanboys in your own group do. I have no patience for anything fanboys of your type say.
Hey, illiteracy incarnate, calm down. How about you try understanding English to deduce what is being said before throwing a conniption fit.
"Uncharted 4 MAY use temporal reconstruction to achieve 1080p"
"Will be quite interesting to see WHAT COMES OF THIS."
"If they wanted a native pixel accurate render one can only ASSUME the framerate would be quite low and as a result they had to seek out other methods."
God you are a colossal disaster of a poster...
@bigfatmistake: bc the lemmings and hermits are so much more rational.
Gimme a break.
PC gamers are usually the most rational here, using sources and data for most of their arguments.
But he wasn't spreading misinformation, i suggest you read the op properly beyond just reading the title or is more than you can manage?
Similar basically means 'not the same' so he was quite clear in his op
Basic English, learn to understand it
The thread title says:
You dumb f*** that is misinformation right in the title you blind lemming! No where is the information presented, even in this video he posted, is there a notion that Uncharted 4 is using using a lower resolution to "achieve" 1080p.
Reconstruction for shadows doesn't have any reflection on the actual base render of a game. You just jump all in to defend his argument because he's a xbox fanboy and I'm a Sony fan and you've always had the same idiotic mentality.
delta3074: "forget if he's right, he's a xbox fan, I must defend him!"
If you weren't such a defensive dick riding xbox shill you could acknowledge the fault of fanboys on your preferred platform when they are guilty of misleading and deceitful propaganda but that's beyond your ability so save me the attempt to preach at me while hypocritically trying to promote the lies and misinformation that your fellow fanboys spew.
like I said FOH, save both me and you time wasted and stay off my quote chain and don't try to *preach* to me about anything ever again. Out of all the dumbass fanboys I hate your type the most, Stupid bitches trying to preach to other groups about what they should and shouldn't do while being complete blind fanboy promoters of everything desperate fanboys in your own group do. I have no patience for anything fanboys of your type say.
Hey, illiteracy incarnate, calm down. How about you try understanding English to deduce what is being said before throwing a conniption fit.
"Uncharted 4 MAY use temporal reconstruction to achieve 1080p"
"Will be quite interesting to see WHAT COMES OF THIS."
"If they wanted a native pixel accurate render one can only ASSUME the framerate would be quite low and as a result they had to seek out other methods."
God you are a colossal disaster of a poster...
And it was clarified for you, and on the first page at that, that your theory was not what was happening for UC4 as the base geometry is 1080p point blank...so why is this thread 4 pages long and what have you been arguing for so long?
Oh right, you were trying to PROVE that it was actually what you posted in your topic regardless of everyone explaining to you that it wasn't the same thing as you were trying to suggest when you wanted to compare it to Quantum Breaks 720p reconstruction to 'create' a 1080p image.
And it was clarified for your, and on the first page at that, the that was not what was happening as the base geometry is 1080p...so why is this thread 4 pages long and what have you been arguing?
Oh right you were trying to PROVE that it was actually what you posted in your topic regardless of everyone explaining to you that it wasn't the same thing as you were trying to suggest when you wanted to compare it to Quantum Breaks 720p reconstruction to 'create' a 1080p image.
Jesus you really can't read, someone send this guy hooked on phonics pronto.
No where is it said anywhere that the base geometry is not 1080p captain I can't read...
This is literally in the opening post...
"Their base geometry is 1080p, but for that render to be continually achievable they have to use reconstruction methods in the current frame with multiple passes from previous frames to keep things going or I assume the performance would be impossible to maintain. This is why so much dithering is present throughout the image, you can see it clearly with light passing around fine details such as the hair also details around plants, reflections, shadows and so on.. If they wanted a native pixel accurate render one can only assume the framerate would be quite low and as a result they had to seek out other methods."
Holy shit dude lol...
Holy shit is correct, you just make up a whole bunch of shit up and argue it to hell and back when all of it is completely pulled from you rear end and supported by nothing but your desperate desire to damage control the 720p Quantum Break scenario of xbox one.
This thread was over on my first post and then you and a couple of other xbox fanboys got upset and attacked me because your wonderful damage control attempt BACKFIRED. Cry me a sea of tears bud.
No more time to waste you your dead topic, it failed and everyone can see that. Keep fighting the good fight tho, I'm sure other lems are with you.
Jesus you really can't read, someone send this guy hooked on phonics pronto.
No where is it said anywhere that the base geometry is not 1080p captain I can't read...
This is literally in the opening post...
"Their base geometry is 1080p, but for that render to be continually achievable they have to use reconstruction methods in the current frame with multiple passes from previous frames to keep things going or I assume the performance would be impossible to maintain. This is why so much dithering is present throughout the image, you can see it clearly with light passing around fine details such as the hair also details around plants, reflections, shadows and so on.. If they wanted a native pixel accurate render one can only assume the framerate would be quite low and as a result they had to seek out other methods."
Holy shit dude lol...
Holy shit is correct, you just make up a whole bunch of shit up and argue it to hell and back when all of it is completely pulled from you rear end and supported by nothing but your desperate desire to damage control the 720p Quantum Break scenario of xbox one.
This thread was over on my first post and then you and a couple of other xbox fanboys got upset and attacked me because your wonderful damage control attempt BACKFIRED. Cry me a sea of tears bud.
No more time to waste you your dead topic, it failed and everyone can see that. Keep fighting the good fight tho, I'm sure other lems are with you.
Jesus you really can't read, someone send this guy hooked on phonics pronto.
No where is it said anywhere that the base geometry is not 1080p captain I can't read...
This is literally in the opening post...
"Their base geometry is 1080p, but for that render to be continually achievable they have to use reconstruction methods in the current frame with multiple passes from previous frames to keep things going or I assume the performance would be impossible to maintain. This is why so much dithering is present throughout the image, you can see it clearly with light passing around fine details such as the hair also details around plants, reflections, shadows and so on.. If they wanted a native pixel accurate render one can only assume the framerate would be quite low and as a result they had to seek out other methods."
Holy shit dude lol...
You're delusional, and very angry.
More Mrs Cleo analysis from your resident lemming who comes up 0 out of 100 on all his desperate predictions and arguments. Credible source of info for people who love to be misinformed. I'll leave you in the solitude of your failed thread to meditate on where you went wrong.
You're delusional, and very angry.
So by cow standards this game is unplayable now because it's not true 1080p
but it is true 1080p, (possibly)using reconstruction to make shadows look better doesn't change that
So by cow standards this game is unplayable now because it's not true 1080p
but it is true 1080p, (possibly)using reconstruction to make shadows look better doesn't change that
If its recontructed........then its not native. The final output may be 1080p, the geometry might be 1080p, but of the shadows, effects, post process, or anything else is sampled from other frames, or lower resolution samples............then it isnt a full 1080p render. Doesnt make it a bad game, in fact i think its smart for devs to do that on these weak consoles. Id prefer if Sony/Microsoft made all games 900p and focused on a stable frame rate
So by cow standards this game is unplayable now because it's not true 1080p
but it is true 1080p, (possibly)using reconstruction to make shadows look better doesn't change that
but of the shadows, effects, post process, or anything else is sampled from other frames, or lower resolution samples............then it isnt a full 1080p render.
So there's not a single native 1080p game on the market then as every game doesn't render all effects, post processing and shadows at full resolution...... even PC doesn't render things at full screen resolution as it's a waste of resources.
@navyguy21: It's native 1080p. This topic is bullshit. It would be discussed in a lot more places than this desperate thread if it were true.
Sony first party make native resolution a priority.
@navyguy21: That will open an all new kinda crazy lol. Depth calculations objects have been expensive for ages now. On pcs and consoles shadows hardly match the geometry resolution. Essentially then all so called native resolution games are in question all games on pc even the ones pushing 4k. Its simply very very expensive. All post processing effect will be in question. Its simply not like QB situation until proven that this game geometry also uses that method.
@darkrecon: It is true 1080p though. No upscaling. Can't say the same for Quantum Blur.
QB doesn't upscale either, the missing pixels arent stretched/copied like they would be in your standard upscale, why it looks blurry is because the pixels are "estimations" and thus never look as good as native 1080p
So by cow standards this game is unplayable now because it's not true 1080p
but it is true 1080p, (possibly)using reconstruction to make shadows look better doesn't change that
If its recontructed........then its not native. The final output may be 1080p, the geometry might be 1080p, but of the shadows, effects, post process, or anything else is sampled from other frames, or lower resolution samples............then it isnt a full 1080p render. Doesnt make it a bad game, in fact i think its smart for devs to do that on these weak consoles. Id prefer if Sony/Microsoft made all games 900p and focused on a stable frame rate
You know they could be 1080p shadows that g et reconstructed to look even better? But if you want to go that way then there's no 1080p native game in existence
@darkrecon: It is true 1080p though. No upscaling. Can't say the same for Quantum Blur.
QB doesn't upscale either, the missing pixels arent stretched/copied like they would be in your standard upscale, why it looks blurry is because the pixels are "estimations" and thus never look as good as native 1080p
Temporal reconstruction is just another type of upscaling...... Just like FXAA is another method of post process anti-aliasing...
@darkrecon: It is true 1080p though. No upscaling. Can't say the same for Quantum Blur.
QB doesn't upscale either, the missing pixels arent stretched/copied like they would be in your standard upscale, why it looks blurry is because the pixels are "estimations" and thus never look as good as native 1080p
Temporal reconstruction is just another type of upscaling...... Just like FXAA is another method of post process anti-aliasing...
Okay it technically is as the base frame is 720p and it needs to fill the whole 1080p frame, reconstruction just does much better job at it than your normal upscale
For me this seems to do with Ambient Occlusion. Perhaps an extra step similar situation with some UE4 work that people are finding especially with shadows. Street Fighter 5 ps4 is perhaps the worst offender.
Quote 1 :
QB doesn't upscale either, the missing pixels arent stretched/copied like they would be in your standard upscale.
Quote 2 :
Okay it technically is as the base frame is 720p and it needs to fill the whole 1080p frame
LOL. It's not upscale, later it is. If game needs to fill 1080p frame, then it is UPSCALED.
So by cow standards this game is unplayable now because it's not true 1080p
but it is true 1080p, (possibly)using reconstruction to make shadows look better doesn't change that
but of the shadows, effects, post process, or anything else is sampled from other frames, or lower resolution samples............then it isnt a full 1080p render.
So there's not a single native 1080p game on the market then as every game doesn't render all effects, post processing and shadows at full resolution...... even PC doesn't render things at full screen resolution as it's a waste of resources.
So let me get this right, the shadow resolution in UC 4 isn't 1080p so the game is not running at 1080p? Is this what people are talking about here?
Every single game out there at least render some passes of their final buffer at below native res, especially shadows and particles, but as long as the base geometry/opaque pass is rendered at native 1080p, it is considered a true 1080p game.
You can't spin this lems, if UC4 is doing frame reconstruction with its geometry pass then it would saved TONS of resources and making the single player 60fps.
Every single game out there at least render some passes of their final buffer at below native res, especially shadows and particles, but as long as the base geometry/opaque pass is rendered at native 1080p, it is considered a true 1080p game.
You can't spin this lems, if UC4 is doing frame reconstruction with its geometry pass then it would saved TONS of resources and making the single player 60fps.
I think this just means the consoles this gen are weak so we cant really debate what full 1080p resolution is anymore.
For example, if the geometry is 1080p and all other effects are 900/720p, what does that make it?
If geometry is 900p but everything else 1080p, what does that make it?
If everything is 720p but geometry is 1080p?
Its a hard thing to nail down. We just need new consoles, period.
Every single game out there at least render some passes of their final buffer at below native res, especially shadows and particles, but as long as the base geometry/opaque pass is rendered at native 1080p, it is considered a true 1080p game.
You can't spin this lems, if UC4 is doing frame reconstruction with its geometry pass then it would saved TONS of resources and making the single player 60fps.
I think this just means the consoles this gen are weak so we cant really debate what full 1080p resolution is anymore.
For example, if the geometry is 1080p and all other effects are 900/720p, what does that make it?
If geometry is 900p but everything else 1080p, what does that make it?
If everything is 720p but geometry is 1080p?
Its a hard thing to nail down. We just need new consoles, period.
this wouldn't change with new consoles, different level of details will still be used
@dynamitecop: I understand the question and NX Gamer sort of asks the same question. The more I analyse this game and that video. This is starting to look like just a form of Ambient Occlusion they are using. Its not even about constructing anything. Its not even about anything to do with shadow quality. Its more of how dynamically soft and dark shadows and other object get based on how dense the light is. How things are effected by light dynamically. This f**ckin game attention to detail is insane. The dithering is probably a bug and or represent a lower quality compromise type of it.
In fact someone should tell NX Gamer that or atleast just a suggestion to think about. I can say that with confident because funny thing is. If I wanted to I have a bit of enough background to be NX Gamer lol. Problems of this can be seen else where such as some of the UE4 work.
Every single game out there at least render some passes of their final buffer at below native res, especially shadows and particles, but as long as the base geometry/opaque pass is rendered at native 1080p, it is considered a true 1080p game.
You can't spin this lems, if UC4 is doing frame reconstruction with its geometry pass then it would saved TONS of resources and making the single player 60fps.
I think this just means the consoles this gen are weak so we cant really debate what full 1080p resolution is anymore.
For example, if the geometry is 1080p and all other effects are 900/720p, what does that make it?
If geometry is 900p but everything else 1080p, what does that make it?
If everything is 720p but geometry is 1080p?
Its a hard thing to nail down. We just need new consoles, period.
No, it doesn't mean the consoles are weak at all. Even PC versions don't render full shadow res at 2k or 4k res, much less particle res. Also devs will always prioritize geometry first, then others, because that's the pass which affects the clarity of the final render the most. If everything else is 720p but geometry is 1080 then it's still, firmly a 1080p game. If you wanna pick on UC4's shadow res then you must pick on every other 1080p games on consoles and pc altogether. This is nothing more than a desperate lemming's attempt to bring down UC4's res through the most baseless and inaccurate method.
Every single game out there at least render some passes of their final buffer at below native res, especially shadows and particles, but as long as the base geometry/opaque pass is rendered at native 1080p, it is considered a true 1080p game.
You can't spin this lems, if UC4 is doing frame reconstruction with its geometry pass then it would saved TONS of resources and making the single player 60fps.
I think this just means the consoles this gen are weak so we cant really debate what full 1080p resolution is anymore.
For example, if the geometry is 1080p and all other effects are 900/720p, what does that make it?
If geometry is 900p but everything else 1080p, what does that make it?
If everything is 720p but geometry is 1080p?
Its a hard thing to nail down. We just need new consoles, period.
this wouldn't change with new consoles, different level of details will still be used
Thats true, I wonder how many 1080p branded games this gen used similar methods without being noticed.
@navyguy21: Different levels of assets? most likely all of em. And this talk about UC4 shadows it was just a speculation and as pointed out it might just be a thing with UE4 as well
So by cow standards this game is unplayable now because it's not true 1080p
but it is true 1080p, (possibly)using reconstruction to make shadows look better doesn't change that
but of the shadows, effects, post process, or anything else is sampled from other frames, or lower resolution samples............then it isnt a full 1080p render.
So there's not a single native 1080p game on the market then as every game doesn't render all effects, post processing and shadows at full resolution...... even PC doesn't render things at full screen resolution as it's a waste of resources.
So let me get this right, the shadow resolution in UC 4 isn't 1080p so the game is not running at 1080p? Is this what people are talking about here?
Pretty much...
Quote :
If everything else is 720p but geometry is 1080 then it's still, firmly a 1080p game. If you wanna pick on UC4's shadow res then you must pick on every other 1080p games on consoles and pc altogether. This is nothing more than a desperate lemming's attempt to bring down UC4's res through the most baseless and inaccurate method.
Bingo. Especially the last sentence.
Also lems trying so hard to avoid what DF said for QB :
".....basic geometry that we're able to measure hands in a 720p result as things stand."
Dark10x on GAF said many times that QB is 720p game.
even PC doesn't render things at full screen resolution as it's a waste of resources.
Is that from developers' own words or just your opinion?
I figured having everything rendered at native res is one explanation why many multiplat games seem to take an awful lot of resources to run on the PC. Plus, shadows are one of the things that tend to have multiple settings on the PC version. Having a lower res could be one option.
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