@casharmy Here, i did it for you, some of my quotes from the past 2 years now stop calling me an xbox fanboy you SONY shill.
'Thanks for confirming what i said, that the Ps4 has more games than the Xbox one.
but i think it's pretty obvious that the PS4 is not lacking in content.'
'in a word NO.... the ps4 is not lacking in content at all.
It actually has more games then the Xbox one and Wii-U and nearly as many games as both the Wii-U and Xbox one combined'
'don't get me wrong, i am no huge fan of the Xbone and i would rather have a PS4 Because theres a ton of indy games i want to play on it like helldivers for example but the option just wasn't there.'
'On thing is clear to me now though, whereas the Ps4 is an vast improvement over the Ps3 the Xbone is not even a touch on the 360, despite it's early unreliability is a far better console than the Xbone in fact, the OG xbox is a better console than the xbone.'
'Completely agree, the Xbone was mid range when it released, pretty much any mid range PC sold now would probably outperform the Xbone.'
'No, the ps4 is already killing it in sales without uncharted so i doubt it will make any difference'
'no, the xbone is a bit of a disaster compared to the 360.
the real question is if ANY future MS console can be as successful as the 360, they may have peaked too early,lol'
NOW go learn to read English properly you illiterate cow.
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