By higher end I don't mean people who have 690's, lol. I mean the PC gamers who have PC's that are on-par or a little bit superior to next gen consoles, they are higher end pc gamers when comparing the other part of the steam community that still have PC's on par with current gen consoles. All I'm saying is that for a good 2 or 3 years, the majority of PC gamers will find a similar (or better) experience on next gen consoles in terms of graphics, after that the consoles will be knocked out of the ball park :P.
But whey should they spend the amount of money to get a NG console when they could apply that money to their current PC's and have a better experience? In words they could knock it out of the park right now if they spent the equivalent amount to buying a NG console.
No, you can't knock it out of the park. A PS4 is $400, if you buy a $200 GPU it will be on-par with the PS4 and that's not even taking into account the 192 Gb/s data rate AND the 8GB of GDDR5 RAM. There are lots of perks for next gen consoles that aren't available for anyone expecting to upgrade their PC and spend under $400 to achieve similar performance. This may differ if you already have a high end PC and are spending the $400 to get a 670, but even then you're not knocking the next gen consoles out of the park. The difference between what the PS4 offers and what a 670 can do won't be very different.
This also brings up my previous argument about the majority of PC gamers buying PC's from walmart, bestbuy, futureshop, etc. who tend to overprice PC's. And that's IF said PC gamer even knows how to replace the parts. Most consumers buy new PC's every 5-10 years rather than upgrade parts.
I don't think outofmyass.org is a credible source for statistics and information.
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