[QUOTE="cablemodemx2"][QUOTE="anshul89"][QUOTE="saolin323"] [QUOTE="anshul89"]lmfao this thread is still alive ?
I can name many pc games that look better than Fable 2. World in Conflict, Opposing Fronts, Forged Alliance, The Witcher, Episode 2, CoD4, etc.
The Witcher lighitng and shades are from DX8 era, that can't even compare to Mass Effect in any way imaginable
As for the others, they are different genes, and definalty close up have nowhere near Fable 2 detail
Episode 2 is back from Geforce 4 era !!!!!
HAhahaha, your choices are LAUGHABLE, those games do not even touch 1/10 of what Fable 2 does in graphics, next gen effects and world detail
Have you actually played these games with max settings @ 1920x1200 ?Doubtful, given his reaction. Of course, if he's slow enough to actually make such a statement in the comparison between Mass Effect and The Witcher, I'd have to imagine his PC isn't even capable of playing something along the lines of The Witcher, much less at 1200p.
Witcher looks like UTTER GARBAGE comparing to Mass Effect, sorry but this gen we have something called shaders and 3D textures, not flat textures gothing 2 used, and crap last gen lighting
Witcher is the usual old gen pc stuff, and i did play it, look SO BAD !!!!! Gothic 3 looked much better TBH
You give trolls a bad name. You can't be so dilluted. How old are you? Please say 14 or younger..... You're like the only person on this whole forum that believes Fable 2 looks better then any game, which is just astonishing because anyone with working eyes would disagree. You lable pretty much everygame as old last gen stuff when it's not true, by your logic Fable 2 is old. It's not new just because it uses a few new graphical tricks. Answer me this, have the devs been bragging about this game from a graphics standpoint? Have they been trying to sell the graphics to us? Fable 2 looks like a console game, and it's not even the best looking console game. I'm all for opinions, but their is line and I'm going to say NO and deny your opinion and say Fable 2 is not ALL that and their are other gmaes in development that look better. Does Fable 2 look better then this?
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