oh boy, yet another one of THESE posts.
first off Microsoft changed the game and are STILL changing the game. they introduced Hard drives to home consoles back in 2002 and the First real Online service ( Xbox Live ) that WORKED.
they regained control of the gaming industry from japan and put it back in the hands of american developers like activision and EA.
they just reinvented the wheel by creating Kinect. instead of a direct copy of the Wii-mote ( Sony Move ) Kinect is a hands free peripheral that is changing the way we look at the stagnating genre of gaming. sure its loaded with crap now, but that will all change soon.
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY THEY ended Sonys stranglehold on gaming here in the US and abroad and people whos first console was a PlayStation cant accept that.
i own BOTH a PS3 and a 360 like any smart gamer or journalist but the facts are that after 6 years of this current console race MS has beaten Sony at every turn. in fact its Sony who has stopped Innovating and are now in the odd position of playing catch up to both Wii and the 360.
HOW YOU SAY? How about the PSN Plus network years after MS charged for Xbox live and Sony after years of seeing MS make BILIONS off of live had to re-evaluate things. or mayby the Sony Move which BLANTANTLY rips off the Wii-Mote and countless other things. should i continue TC?
Microsoft has dominated PS3 in software and hardware sales and Kinect has totally outsold MOve nearly 13 to 1 and at this point i think '' What has MS done for gaming or MS sucks post arent doing anything to help Sony at this point who Genuinely deserves the fans ire for Royaly botching this Generation.
for all the hate posts you see hourly on this site nothing is changing the fact that the battle at this point stopped bieng about Xbox 360 vs PS3 or what has MS done for gaming a LONG time ago, but more less a battle of what can we the fans do to Fix Sony, IF thats even feasable at this point!
every year since 2006 its been Wii and 360 raking in the dough and PS3 on the outside looking in, its management too busy making Kevin Butler commercials and putting laughably low amounts of money into marketing while telling its fan base '' We know what were doing'' Kinect sold more than MOVE because MS put insane amounts of money into Advertising, were Sony, we dont have to Advertise!
this whole sidestepping is made all the worse by people like the TC and MS detractors who instead of questioning WHY Killzone 3, Infamous 2, LBP 2 and the rest of Sonys Exclusives ( Uncharted 3 not withstanding ) are largely going to go Unnoticed this year , ( just like last year judging by this holidays NPD results where not ONE Sony exclusive made the top 10 sellers list ) instead continue to make MS hate posts and ''This is the year of the PS3'' posts for the 6th year in a row, all while Burrying thier heads in the sand to the state that Sony is Really in.
until Sony can turn a Significant profit with PS3 i dont see this scenario changing any and most of you know it By now.
Microsoft used their 1 year head start on Sony to one up them and people just cant ( or wont ) digest this.
i think that is the prime reason why we still see all this childish MS hate this far into the seventh generation of gaming.
peeps need to just accept that Sony isnt number one anymore and move on.
the rest of us have already.
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