yes because I am a cow and have something to gain if downloads don't count. I am sure many would agree with that.HarlockJC
Sorry what? All I heard was Mooooooo.
[QUOTE="jjenkins78x"]"we don't review expansion packs" policy Cherokee_Jack
Say what?
Didn't you get the memo? In Gamespot's editorial or whatever about Lost & Damned they said it isn't their policy to review DLC. I was searching for it so I could link it but it has inexplicably disappeared from the L&D info page. I smell a cover up.
SolidTy your names are way better than mine. I should have taken a minute to come up with better ones. It won't let me quote you because Gamespot's text editor is absolute garbage.
Edit: **** YOUR TEXT EDITOR GAMESPOT. Stop taking out all my page breaks, spaces, punctuation, telling me my HTML is unformed, tags aren't closed, and mangling quotes. Oh and for not letting me say S T Y L E or C L A S S.
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