Rhubarb9, considering how Gamespot reivew games these days, not all those PS3 exclusives will be AAA this year, they flopped some 360, Wii and PC games this year, PS3 might me next, they have at least one flop a year:
2007: Lair
2008: Haze, and maybe Socom
The only other PS3 exclusvies to get most likely AAA this year are God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5 if it comes out this year. Every other one is risky.
I would say that one Rare game would get AAA, and Forza 3 would get AAA as well, but that's at the end of the year though. If Microsoft sticks to their words, they'll be announcing a lot of exclusives at E3, but it won't be as many exclusives as Sony though. Also, Bungie is making another game besides Halo 3: ODST as well.
See if that helps.
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