same reason I'm rubbing in that theres no AAAE games for X360 in sight, KZ2 is console graphics & multiplayer king???
Ahh so this was just fanboyism at it's best I see (plus I'm fine with AAAE DLC atm), and saying no AAAE potential games for 360 in sight is just funny if you think your right (Alan Wake is the one that jumps out, SC:Conviction but nothing about dates or gameplay recently, then again it's Ubisoft and SC so that sounds like enough potential right there). It's good you put ???'s over saying K2 and multiplayer king though 'cause I highly disagree, as for graphics king that title hardly stays around for a console game.
yes, fanboyism. This is system wars fyi, if there was no fanboys there wouldn't be any system wars, thank me for keeping system wars going.
Alan Wake is multiplat with PC and nothing is known about the game,TBA status, all gameplay vids are from PC version
you disagree that KZ2 is mp king cause maybe you haven't tried it out
So what exclusive 2009 AAAE X360 game is there, cool beans? Tell me I'm dying to know about it.
edit - removed content to get suspended for ^^
fyi system wars =/= fanboyism Rhubarb9 I'm ashamed you don't know that. Considering if you actually try to have more in-depth discussions about which system being better in certain aspects without having to drag in fanboys, instead of judging a book by it's cover which seems to me like you've done. I've always been under the notion that 360/PC are considered "console" exclusives consid.....o wait, that part's right. So in that regard, both those games I've mentionedhave AAAE potential even though true AW is TBA and I doubt SC:Conviction is coming out in June, I don't know of any other games atm that look like AAAE potential but I'm sure I could find some. As for that K2 remark, I have tried it out so.....I still disargee not exactly sure where you were getting with that remark.
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