@r-gamer said:
@zaryia: You don't have any polls.
Uhh I see one up top. Every community I visit shows most people agreeing PC is THE system for GFX. It looks the best. It runs the best. Especially Tech communities, it's a given.
This forum is literally the only place I've ever seen otherwise and only by 1 or 2 people.....
Even Giovela, the biggest graphics enthusiast who is also the biggest COW in SW history primarily games on PC. This was one of the only people who ever used to agree with your fake nonsense.
@r-gamer said:
And RDR2 never won on PC by the time it came out on PC their were games that looked better... at least according to DF. So again for actual awards it's PS4 3 , PC 2 and XB 1.
Arbitrary year cut off, we're talking the entire GEN and current kings. DF doesn't include re-releases in end of year vids nor games from prior years that still beat everything. RDR2 was gfx king and one of the best looking games this gen and currently beats anything on PS4 on PC UTLRA.
@r-gamer said:
The PC doesn't have the graphics king by any standard.
PC currently has the top 5 Graphics Kings.
Control. Metro. BFV. RDR2. Soon DS ULTRA in less than 2 months. PS4 Literally only has DS, and that's temporary.
You can't be the system with the best gfx when your only 1 contender is gone soon and beaten by Control and Metro. You've lost for 8 years, except for maybe with HZD.
@r-gamer said:
by the time it comes to PC it will get trounced by GoT and TloU 2. Not hat it matters because the PC version will probably look inferior to the PS5 version much like Gears 5 looks better on XSX.
I'm glad you mentioned Gears5, current PC ULTRA version looks better than anything on PS4.
PC will have better looking games than XSX, as all of its games will be on PC and look/run better.
PC will have better looking games than PS5, as it did with PS3 and PS4.
PC will remain gfx king as it has for 3 gens now.
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