This is not a diss thread or a flame thread, I'm just curious to know who here from what they seen of the wii-u has already made up their mind that they are not buying the machine and list your reason why your not buying it if you don't mind. My reason is besides nintendo first party "which are great but I'm not really into" there really isn't any reason that I would need one, got a nice pc and a ps3 and a 360 and the wii-u besides the controller doesn't really break out from the rest. I really don't need 4 machines that all play mostly the same games. Also it looks like besides nintendo first parties, other devs aren't going to utliize the controller besides putting the map or the inventory in the controller and i'm not paying 250+ just for a little feature like that. So what are your reasons? or maybe your on the fence about it?
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