Good greef your dense, you pay more because you can do more...... And Sony and MS sell at a lost because they know people will not buy expensive consoles where you can spend just as much for a pc to do the same things plus more. Also need to point out that you dont need bleeding edge to match consoles when they release, especially this gen where they are sporting mid tier hardware from the start not high ended hardware. also tou can pick up a overclocked 7870 for $230 on newegg shows what you know..... and again when will you admit that your seeing things that aren't there?04dcarraherNo... Sony can tell MS hey do us a windows for the PS4 and it will be every bit as complete as the PC ones. News flash the PS3 ran Linux,it was hardware limited,the PS4 could run windows quite easy is basically and APU with unified memory in other words PC components it has and HDD and blu-ray drive,so not consoles cost less because sony can take a hit on hardware and make back on software,this is common knowledge out there,you debating this prove without doubt that you are a console hater that will debate anything out of pure fanboysm.. From $219 to 300+. And you still under power vs the PS4 that GPU is not as efficient as the PS4 nor has the same amount of memory either.
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