We don’t hate those themes. We hate when reviewers overrate games because of the themes. “Gone Home” is the perfect example of game journalists overrating a terrible game with 10/10 scores across the board simply because of the story.
We had no problem with Mass Effect 1-3 having gay/lesbian characters. We praised it. But with Andromeda reviewers seem to only focus on it.
We also hate when games get docked points like GTAV and bayonetta because the reviewer “got offended”.
That kinda garbage should not be in game reviews. Review the game for what it is. Not bashing it because there was no black characters in Witcher 3. And yes, some idiot actually complained about that.
That type of garbage should be in reviews but also other points of views... there is no such thing as an objective reviewer nor is there an objective gamer... so your just supposed to match subjective tastes with specific reviewers and stick with them. Games media has a really bad critic landscape...
basically everyone should love an adore extreme violence, sex and in general negativity and be grateful given how cool it is and not suggest otherwise.
'how can we get the general population into a constant state of stress so that we can control their choices better'?
Your starting to sound as crazy as alex jones... unlike genders subjective taste has more then 2 options, it even has significantly more than 2 dimensions.
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