While I do not thing Skyrim will be anything near GOTY, I do Like what I see.
I do however think I should explain where Im comming from with this, and my observations:
For me Oblivion was an adventure game, I do know that its oficially an RPG, but it had so little to do with actualroleplaying that I just saw it as an adventuregame. It was overly repetetive,, and when you playied 20 ours of it, you had seen it all, all 3 tilesets of dungeons (well depending if you counted the games or not).
The expansion to Oblivion however was QUITE good you know...
And with all of Bethesdas games, I see it as a sandbox for Modders, one of the biggest reasons to get Skyrin to me, is to see what Modders will do with all this land, where they can play around.
Now here is the amuzing thing about Skyrim: all the real problems I had with Oblivion either looks to have been corrected, or is talked about as being corrected (altho from talk to truth there are a huge gap).
I downright hated the stiff animations, and lack of visualimpactfrom both Oblivion and FO3 (untill you took a limb off that is) and it DOES seem like the visual impacts are in the game now, aswell as FAR better animated people, movement and so on alså looks far better.
I like the Perk addition alot, and combat looks a fair bit better now, altho its still the same basics.
I like the look of the world a whole lot better then Oblivion
And they claim the dungeons have WAY more attention payied to them, and more varried.
Im interrested in the Radient story and (and ai overhaull) not as much from a game perspective, but more from a code perspective)
But as an rpg? No, Skyrim is not really an RPG for me, th removal of stats, and "streamlining" is pretty much things I have real problems with ESPECIALLY in rpgs, a genre that is ment to be deep (since it should portray a working world, with A whole lot of factors). So to me Both Bioware and Bethesda has killed off thier reputation as RPG devs to me. It does not mean that the games they make are bad games tho, just not RPGs.
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