...games are only enjoyable on the PC? I feel myself on a much bigger atmosphere when playing in my couch.
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...games are only enjoyable on the PC? I feel myself on a much bigger atmosphere when playing in my couch.
This has to be the worst argument against pc gaming, and yet it is something I see all the time. Why???...games are only enjoyable on the PC? I feel myself on a much bigger atmosphere when playing in my couch.
It's 2012 people, hook your pc into the television and get a wireless gamepad.
...games are only enjoyable on the PC? I feel myself on a much bigger atmosphere when playing in my couch.
I feel detached when sitting so far away from the TV, I quickly lose interest in my console games, but I do try not to. Even for my movies, I have Neflix on my PS3 but I still watch all my Netflix shows and movies on my PC.
Also, the better graphics and the higher frame rate cleary help the game to look better, and if it looks better, it is easier to get into for me.
I much prefer the mouse for FPS, TPS, RPG, RTS, platformers, puzzle games, and a few others. Only fighting games and racing games are better with a gamepad for me and the only fighting game I play is SSBB on my Wii. For racing games, I typically find myself using my Novint Falcon )as well as for other single player experiences).
I prefer many of the other features of PC gaming. Dedicated servers, F2P games, Steam, TeamSpeak/Ventrillo/Skype, open aspects and freedom to choose what hardware I want, what software I want, what settings I want, and then one of the biggest perks is the mod community. Oh, and generally cheaper games is nice too...
Why does tjricardo089 say that games are only enjoyable on consoles?Cherokee_Jack
You're putting words in my mouth, I said only that games felt better to ME on consoles, I didn't said that everyone should play on the console to feel good.
I've played on the PC and it is a great experience, but now I'm trying to back off and go to console gaming.
Edit: Trust me, I like the PC, probably more than I like the consoles but PC Gaming is unhealthy to me, I get too addicted, but still I enjoy games on console, not as much but I do.
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Why does tjricardo089 say that games are only enjoyable on consoles?tjricardo089
You're putting words in my mouth, I said only that games felt better to ME on consoles, I didn't said that everyone should play on the console to feel good.
I've played on the PC and it is a great experience, but now I'm trying to back off and go to console gaming.
Edit: Trust me, I like the PC, probably more than I like the consoles but PC Gaming is unhealthy to me, I get too addicted, but still I enjoy games on console, not as much but I do.
To me, console gaming is more relaxing than PC gaming. When I game on PC, I get really engaged. When I play my PS3, I don't feel the same way, and I don't know why that is, but I enjoy both things.
Because when I think of a console I instantly think of an arcade game and Nintendo games. The purpose of a console
in my opinion is only to play games like mega-man, zelda, mario, etc etc. Everything from FPSs, RPGs, MMOs, RTSs,
mature games really only belong on the PC. Consoles have always been the machine you play on when you want to
play kiddish games/games from our childhood, while the PC is more of the system for adults and mature content.
Even thought I am mainly a PC guy I still will give my kids a NES, SNES as their first system and then grow them into
PC gaming by introduing a much wider variety of game genres.
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Why does tjricardo089 say that games are only enjoyable on consoles?tjricardo089
You're putting words in my mouth, I said only that games felt better to ME on consoles, I didn't said that everyone should play on the console to feel good.
I've played on the PC and it is a great experience, but now I'm trying to back off and go to console gaming.
Edit: Trust me, I like the PC, probably more than I like the consoles but PC Gaming is unhealthy to me, I get too addicted, but still I enjoy games on console, not as much but I do.
Same way you just put words in the mouth of all PC gamers...
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Why does tjricardo089 say that games are only enjoyable on consoles?tjricardo089
You're putting words in my mouth
Why does tjricardo089 make sweeping generalisations about an entire group of gamers?
Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument?
Oh and to whoever said that consoles are for kiddy games that's not really the point, because the consoles have a lot of mature exclusives with quality.
[QUOTE="Vesica_Prime"]Why does tjricardo089 make sweeping generalisations about an entire group of gamers?tjricardo089Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument? You're right, what you said wasn't a generalization at all. It was a strawman.
Why does tjricardo089 make sweeping generalisations about an entire group of gamers?
Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument?
Oh and to whoever said that consoles are for kiddy games that's not really the point, because the consoles have a lot of mature exclusives with quality.
Hermit, Cow, Lemming, Sheep = Term for a fanboy, much like how Chinese is a label for people that have origins in China or American is a label for people that have origins in the United States.
Why do *group of people* do/are *description* = Generalisation/stereotype.
Learn the difference before you get snappy with me chump.
[QUOTE="tjricardo089"][QUOTE="Vesica_Prime"]Why does tjricardo089 make sweeping generalisations about an entire group of gamers?Cherokee_JackOh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument? You're right, what you said wasn't a generalization at all. It was a strawman.
You should try to be a comediant since you're trying so hard here.
Why does tjricardo089 make sweeping generalisations about an entire group of gamers?
Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument?
Oh and to whoever said that consoles are for kiddy games that's not really the point, because the consoles have a lot of mature exclusives with quality.
My point is that I will never see a console as a mature system. To me they are for kids and wanting to feel/be a kid. I see no
point in mature content being on a console. Pretty much console generations past the 5th generation is pointless to buy, other
than the Wii.
You're right, what you said wasn't a generalization at all. It was a strawman.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="tjricardo089"] Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument?tjricardo089
You should try to be a comediant since you're trying so hard here.
You should try to be a politician. Your skill with logical fallacies and convenient subject-changing would help out a lot.[QUOTE="tjricardo089"]
Why does tjricardo089 make sweeping generalisations about an entire group of gamers?
Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument?
Oh and to whoever said that consoles are for kiddy games that's not really the point, because the consoles have a lot of mature exclusives with quality.
My point is that I will never see a console as a mature system. To me they are for kids and wanting to feel/be a kid. I see no
point in mature content being on a console. Pretty much console generations past the 5th generation is pointless to buy, other
than the Wii.
Well that's your opinion, I guess I can't blame you.
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Why does tjricardo089 say that games are only enjoyable on consoles?tjricardo089
You're putting words in my mouth, I said only that games felt better to ME on consoles, I didn't said that everyone should play on the console to feel good.
I've played on the PC and it is a great experience, but now I'm trying to back off and go to console gaming.
Edit: Trust me, I like the PC, probably more than I like the consoles but PC Gaming is unhealthy to me, I get too addicted, but still I enjoy games on console, not as much but I do.
When I PC game I get too deep into it, I feel like I become an e-person.
When I console game I feel like I can easily turn it off and go live my life.
It's more casual.
With a console I can set a timer, "work out then you can game for 2 hours."
If I try that on PC, I won't even do my workout, much less be done in 2 hours.
For me console is a healthier lifestyle where it doesn't take over.
If I PC game I'm on the computer for 20 hours a day, for work, for games, for everything, getting paler and fatter.
As it stands now I need to get out of IT and have a physical job.
I feel it's unhealthy.
This is just my own personal issue, not everybody's.
...games are only enjoyable on the PC? I feel myself on a much bigger atmosphere when playing in my couch.
Because they think resolution is the only thing that matters and everything below 1080p garbage as they called Witcher 2 on 360
I imagine the so called "PC gamers" jhave never played old PC games, which btw were some of the best and have never touched a console missing 50% of gaming
So pathetic fanboys hermits are
They act like small kids that started gaming yesterday in a 2000$ PC too
You're right, what you said wasn't a generalization at all. It was a strawman.[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"][QUOTE="tjricardo089"] Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument?tjricardo089
You should try to be a comediant since you're trying so hard here.
But your topic is based purely on generalisation...
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"] You're right, what you said wasn't a generalization at all. It was a strawman.Bebi_vegeta
You should try to be a comediant since you're trying so hard here.
But your topic is based purely on generalisation...
It is not I have witnessed a bunch of PC gamers saying that consoles weren't enjoyable to and to experience gaming at it's finest you should game on the PC.
It is not I have witnessed a bunch of PC gamers saying that consoles weren't enjoyable to and to experience gaming at it's finest you should game on the PC.
So you then apply that to ALL PC gamers? That's pretty much the god damn definition of generalisation right there.
You should try to be a comediant since you're trying so hard here.
But your topic is based purely on generalisation...
It is not I have witnessed a bunch of PC gamers saying that consoles weren't enjoyable to and to experience gaming at it's finest you should game on the PC.
Well good for them... what does that make for the rest of us?
I prefer PC, doesn't mean Console are garbage...
[QUOTE="Cherokee_Jack"]Why does tjricardo089 say that games are only enjoyable on consoles?ZombieKiller7
You're putting words in my mouth, I said only that games felt better to ME on consoles, I didn't said that everyone should play on the console to feel good.
I've played on the PC and it is a great experience, but now I'm trying to back off and go to console gaming.
Edit: Trust me, I like the PC, probably more than I like the consoles but PC Gaming is unhealthy to me, I get too addicted, but still I enjoy games on console, not as much but I do.
When I PC game I get too deep into it, I feel like I become an e-person.
When I console game I feel like I can easily turn it off and go live my life.
It's more casual.
With a console I can set a timer, "work out then you can game for 2 hours."
If I try that on PC, I won't even do my workout, much less be done in 2 hours.
For me console is a healthier lifestyle where it doesn't take over.
If I PC game I'm on the computer for 20 hours a day, for work, for games, for everything, getting paler and fatter.
As it stands now I need to get out of IT and have a physical job.
I feel it's unhealthy.
This is just my own personal issue, not everybody's.
Yeah, that definitely is your own personal issue, since it sounds like more of a discipline problem.
I know quite a few PC gamers that have a stricted schedule of working out in the morning, going
to work/school, coming home a getting certain responsiblies/task dealt with and then the rest of the
time is spent gaming. None of that was in any particular order. I myself went through a point where I
was doing a lot in a short period of time. I would wake up go biking and then head to school,
after that I come home and play video games, then eat and watch TV/browse internet, then head to
work and eventually come home to play video games again until I go to bed.
head off to work
Oh really. On a forum where everyone is labeled by being cow, sheep, lemming and hermit, were we sepparate casual games and hardcore games and you are coming here with the generalisation argument?
Oh and to whoever said that consoles are for kiddy games that's not really the point, because the consoles have a lot of mature exclusives with quality.
"separate casual and hardcore games"?
If anything Gamespot is one of the few places where people go batsh!t crazy when the casual-hardcore spectrum is mentioned. Are you confused?
To be fair not every hermit is 10 years old and thinks that games are only about their resolution
Only the pathetic troll variety
To be fair not every hermit is 10 years old and thinks that games are only about their resolution
Just the one's on gamespot apparently.
Seriously tho, there's a few non-douchebag hermits around. Rocker6 is pretty cool.
But there's also an overwhelming amount of really douchey hermits here.
I think it's worth owning both a PC and a console.
Most console owners have a PC for at least work.
But alot of hermits don't have the same courtesy or fair minded attitude, they think everything on console sucks and only PC (and only Windows, they hate Mac and Linux.)
To be fair not every hermit is 10 years old and thinks that games are only about their resolution
Just the one's on gamespot apparently.
Seriously tho, there's a few non-douchebag hermits around. Rocker6 is pretty cool.
But there's also an overwhelming amount of really douchey hermits here.
I think it's worth owning both a PC and a console.
Most console owners have a PC for at least work.
But alot of hermits don't have the same courtesy or fair minded attitude, they think everything on console sucks and only PC (and only Windows, they hate Mac and Linux.)
Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
Give me one reason why I should play a multiplatform game on a console instead of the PC.
Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
- Physical product
- No troubleshooting or configuration required
- Easily couchable
- Controller works in every game
- Motion gaming
- Social hub
- Can double as a cable box
- Exclusives that aren't all MMO's or pay-to-win
- Not needing to have an Origin account and be abused by EA
- Not being abused by Ubisoft DRM
- Not having your entire library at the mercy of a Steam account (to be fair, Valve is really cool and probably won't screw PC gamers over. Probably.)
Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
- Physical product
- No troubleshooting or configuration required
- Easily couchable
- Controller works in every game
- Motion gaming
- Social hub
- Can double as a cable box
- Exclusives that aren't all MMO's or pay-to-win
- Not needing to have an Origin account and be abused by EA
- Not being abused by Ubisoft DRM
- Not having your entire library at the mercy of a Steam account (to be fair, Valve is really cool and probably won't screw PC gamers over. Probably.)
None of those "problems" affect me. I know how to use a computer. Give me reasons why the console version of the game is better than the PC version.
Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
- Physical product
- No troubleshooting or configuration required
- Easily couchable
- Controller works in every game
- Motion gaming
- Social hub
- Can double as a cable box
- Exclusives that aren't all MMO's or pay-to-win
- Not needing to have an Origin account and be abused by EA
- Not being abused by Ubisoft DRM
- Not having your entire library at the mercy of a Steam account (to be fair, Valve is really cool and probably won't screw PC gamers over. Probably.)
You didn't answer his question[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
To be fair not every hermit is 10 years old and thinks that games are only about their resolution
Just the one's on gamespot apparently.
Seriously tho, there's a few non-douchebag hermits around. Rocker6 is pretty cool.
But there's also an overwhelming amount of really douchey hermits here.
I think it's worth owning both a PC and a console.
Most console owners have a PC for at least work.
But alot of hermits don't have the same courtesy or fair minded attitude, they think everything on console sucks and only PC (and only Windows, they hate Mac and Linux.)
I have two work PCs (one is laptop), but i still game mainly on consoles because i hate upgrading
Of course when a PC only game appears, i play it on my PC, if it is a heavy RPG i might upgrade as well, but i did not have to yet
Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
- Physical product PC Has this
- No troubleshooting or configuration required My 360 has the RROD, problem with consoles too
- Easily couchable Same with PC - 1 HDMI cable
- Controller works in every game Xpadder, but what if they don't want to use a controller? That's YOUR preference, not everyone else's.
- Motion gaming Razer Hydra
- Social hub The PC is the definition of a social hub, what the hell do you think this forum is?
- Can double as a cable box Wut? And that has to do with gaming how?
- Exclusives that aren't all MMO's or pay-to-win You're an idiot.
- Not needing to have an Origin account and be abused by EA Again, you're an idiot, also online pass game policy on consoles for EA games.
- Not being abused by Ubisoft DRM Good Ubisoft games? Like?
- Not having your entire library at the mercy of a Steam account (to be fair, Valve is really cool and probably won't screw PC gamers over. Probably.) Entire library? First you say there are no physical copies and now you think every single game is on Steam and only on Steam? You're a complete moron.
To be fair not every hermit is 10 years old and thinks that games are only about their resolution
Only the pathetic troll variety
Same goes for console fanboys... it's a weird coincidence I tell you.
And seriously... your last statement is ironic or hypocrite...
Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
- Physical product (that you pay twice as much for if not more)
- No troubleshooting or configuration required (unless your game is a bugged horrid mess or you wish to mod)
- Easily couchable (so is pc)
- Controller works in every game (again it can eb made to do so)
- Motion gaming (which is lame and full of lemon titles and kids games)
- Social hub (lol wut.. no.. no their not and even if they were we have plenty of avenues of socializing over the net)
- Can double as a cable box (again so can we.. in fact we can do it better cause we can also record tv)
- Exclusives that aren't all MMO's or pay-to-win (and rts's and the majority of indie games or story driven)
- Not needing to have an Origin account and be abused by EA (only applies to EA games and will probably one day apply to you)
- Not being abused by Ubisoft DRM (you get abused about as much as we do and at leats we didnt need to drop money on MS points for dlc)
- Not having your entire library at the mercy of a Steam account (to be fair, Valve is really cool and probably won't screw PC gamers over. Probably.) (steam happens to be rather old.. if they wanted to burn us. it would have happened already)
heres my list for you:
- causes RMSI(repetitive muscle-strain injury) & carpel tunnel due to unergenomic controllers
- unable to make use of wireless N in cases of network connections (best a console can process is wireless g)
- future consoles wont be able to take advantage of 1gbps of wireless AC
- blow huge holes in network security by their very presence
- are easily damaged due to a plastic shell
- get incredibly hot due to poor airflow designs and incredibly dusty
- STILL cant browse the web to anywhere enar the pc's level
- cant do multi-monitor seamless gameplay (yet)
- have set longevities to them
- have gimmicky periphreals (see nintendo wii and lightguns)
- aim-assist and other hand-holding mechanics to lean on
- only come in 3 shapes and sizes (right now anyway they are black and fat, white and square and black and disfigured)
speaking of that last one.. you remind me of some people.. oh i know:
Apart from the exclusive games, consoles do suck. Why would I want to play multiplatform games at lower resolution and framerate without mod support? :|
- Physical product
- No troubleshooting or configuration required
- Easily couchable
- Controller works in every game
- Motion gaming
- Social hub
- Can double as a cable box
- Exclusives that aren't all MMO's or pay-to-win
- Not needing to have an Origin account and be abused by EA
- Not being abused by Ubisoft DRM
- Not having your entire library at the mercy of a Steam account (to be fair, Valve is really cool and probably won't screw PC gamers over. Probably.)
The problem I have is with statement like these... some are true and some are false... yet you think hermits are all douche bags because they have different opinions and well, you don't really bring 100% facts in your argument. Just like how I've proven Steam works offline... then you had to deverge your argument elsewhere.
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