I think what really killed my glee about Twilight Princess was the fact that it was so badly delayed. If it had come out a year or two earlier like it was supposed to before Nintendo decided that they needed a Zelda game for the Wii's launch, it would have been a more impressive game and there would not be so many lame dungeons tacked on (and you gotta admit, some of them were pretty lame. Chicken people? WTF). By the time TP came out, it was already dated.
By the time we FINALLY got TP, Oblivion had just come out, and it really raised the bar on what people expect from an epic fantasy game. It had fully orchestrated music, every character in the game had high quality voice acting, there were tons of mini-quests everywhere to the point where you could find something interesting just by picking a direction and walking in it for a minute-- overall, it was just plain an epic experience.
Then, compare it to Twilight Princess-- you got a big empty world that you could ride a horse around in, and there were a couple of towns. The overworld was basically just a really big map that connected the important locations together, and without much in the way of sub quests, there really wasn't much to do out there except ride your horse which eventually got boring. It was like a sand box game with no sand. On top of that, we got text boxes for ALL of the dialogue with NO voice overs, and instead of an orchestrated soundtrack we got lame synth music which at times made the score sound almost laughable (and Skyward Swords is even worse in this department, if the trailer is any indication).
Overall, Nintendo's big fail with Zelda is that they keep lowering the production values so that they can increase their profits. If this were an indie studio like Telltale Games I could understand why they have to cut corners, but the fact of the matter is that Nintendo is only doing this so that they can reduce the amount of overhead, and keep the savings for themselves. The only person who wins is Nintendo, because we get an inferior product while Nintendo gets just as much money for it (and that's largely the fault of the hardcore Nintendoids who will still buy anything Nintendo puts their name on no matter how bad it is). This series used to be known for its incredible visuals, and now it only has "meh" visuals. It used to be known for rich, interactive worlds, and now it's becoming more and more streamlined. It used to be known for its awesome music, but now it's known largely for recycling the same theme over and over again with increasingly outdated synth music. It used to be known for delivering cool narratives for the player to participate in, but that narrative is becoming more and more outdated since Nintendo refuses to keep up with the times and give the games voice acting.
Overall, this is a franchise that is not aging well, and at some point someone is going to have to step in and set things straight before it completely withers into an archaic, low-bodget mess (that is, if it hasn't already with Skyward Swords). There are lots of game designers who grew up with the Zelda series and are now offering their own take on it, too. Oblivion, Darksiders and 3D dot game heroes all have their own take on the Zelda formula, and all of them have been very solid games for different reasons. I enjoyed Oblivion MORE than I enjoyed Twilight Princess. Even though it did not have the familiar Zelda characters whom I've come to know and love, it still fulfilled a lot of Zelda's un-met potential by offering a huge world filled to the brim with quests and had high production values overall (even though some things like the art direction were kind of sloppy).
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