[QUOTE="PC4lifeman2233"]I can still play some of my games offline on Steam. ZombieKiller7
Only if you never login to Steam ever again, as long as the games are installed on that PC, then you can play them in offline mode and the game won't know it's disabled.
If you mistakenly connect to Steam, it updates your permissions "wah wah wah" you can't run games you supposedly own.
What I've never understood is this.
Why do people defend Steam.
Blind fanboys.
Steam hijacks your platform. Wake up.
You really know nothing of PC gaming and trying to put it down in each thread you go to never really makes you look any better. You might be overtaking loosingEnds for the dumbest poster in System Wars currently. At least, somewhere in his conscience, he knows he is trollbait. You try to sound like you know what you are talking about and just end up looking like a Dbag.
People used to complain about Steam when it's platform first was introduced. PC gamers are some of the most finnicky and cynical gamers out there; especially when it comes to "hijacking a platform." Consolites on the other hand have no problem paying XBL fees, DLC fees, having games come out before they are ready and patched as they go (like PC games but PC gamers complain about that). You want to know why few people complain about Steam? Because it's turned into an outstanding service/content provider.
I know I know, we get what you are about: You can't stand PC gaming, it's too confusing to you, you prefer PS3, you don't know anything about computers, upgrading, technology, and make even the most ignorant of posters tolerable. Congrats Nub.
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