[QUOTE="MK-Professor"][QUOTE="lowe0"] Nope; the skill level is display-only on PC. It's only used on consoles. And since it's not displayed until you drill down to individual Battlelog pages, it's extremely cumbersome to assess the overall skill level of a server before joining. Quick Join is more akin to Call of Duty's matchmaking, which is execrable. Your next argument ("Rage worked fine for me") isn't even really an argument; it's a barely relevant statement of fact. Whether it works on your system has surprisingly little impact on whether it works on mine. It's not the only random issue out there, either; I tried to play The Run last night, to find out that only two of my three screens would work with it. (BF3 works fine in Surround, so it's not the hardware.) You can scream about how you never have problems until you're blue in the face, but in my years upon years of experience with PCs, things go wrong, much more often than with consoles. After a long day at work fixing software issues, the last thing I want to do is come home and fix software issues. Going back a post, your next argument ("if a gamepad isn't supported, just use a mouse and keyboard") isn't much better. If I wanted to use a mouse and keyboard, wouldn't I have just done so? Look, it's fine that you think the PC is best. But the very nature of the platform that draws PC gamers to it, its openness and do-it-yourself mentality, preclude the features I want from being offered on it, regardless of the fact that they could be done if there was a business case. It's simply not the best platform for me, regardless of whether it's best for you. It's not because I lack the money. It's not because I lack the experience. It's because it doesn't do what I want, the way I want it to, and other platforms do. Side note, while the topic is Battlelog: does anyone know if Battlelog has a "vanilla" or "pure server" option? I can't find one in the filters. I just want to filter down to the defaults - no high ticket servers, no altered settings, no maps taken out of the rotation, no nothing.lowe0
quick join button on bf3 pc does the same thing like in consoles if you think otherwise, prove it.
Your argument ("Rage run with 2fps for me") isn't even really an argument; you see i can do the same...
but the fact is that i play Rage on pc with 60fpsmaxsettings and 1920x1200, and you play rage with ps3 like that 640x720(LOL) up to 1280x720, no AA,low-medium settings, controller, smalls FOV, etc. In all the years that I play games I have never found a game that is not working or doesn't play well etc. This thinks happen to people with problematic pc's, people that don't know how to you the pc, etc
your next argument, you need to understand that k/m is the superior control scheme, and also every multiplat support controller.
your last argument. What exactly is this think, that other platforms do and pc doesn't? I am very curious to know because the pc is the platform that dose everything consoles dose but 10X times better, and also a lot of other things.
The FAQ on the Battlelog forums talks about skill level and its use on consoles vs being superfluous on PC. As for the features I need, I already told you: skills based match making and 100% native gamepad support. I also demand a unified identity manager with integrated voice chat, but Steam does this well enough (except that, again, it's not mandatory in 100% of titles). Those features are possible on PCs from a coding standpoint, but the PC market doesn't really want that level of centralized control that would be required to force implementation of those features platform-wide. That's fine, but I'm going to stick to the platforms where I can get what I want.show me a link or something about the skill level.
skills based match making is exactly the same in both. Every multiplat and some exclusives have native gamepad support. Steam is not mandatory in 100% of titles but that dosent change the fact that you can add non-steam games on steam and use the in-game UI overlay to voice chat, text, etc
The platform that are you stick right now is giving you nothing more than PC except the inferior multiplats and not much freedom.
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