It seems like on these boards anyway it is trendy and hipster to bash and dethrone the Wii U, calling it a rehash, a lackluster system with inferior system specs etc. etc. "Gamecube was a fail but Wii U is a bigger one" you guys seem to forget also that the n64 had the longest drought of games and was still considered one of the best platforms nintendo ever produced.
 Like John Carmack said, arguing system specs is completely idiotic at best
the 3DS had terrible launch titles and weaker hardware then the Vita, everybody on this board was like **** 3DS its McWeaksauce VITA is the way to go, well looks like technical specs don't matter because the 3DS has WAY more games and way more sales. Once Wii U gets Super Smash Bros + Mario Kart Wii U and Zelda it will blast to the top just like the 3DS did...
Wii U has unique games that atleast update each franchise, You say that REHASH everything? No thats Call of Duty every year on your precious sony console...BTW the nintendo franchises only come out once every console cycle.Â
Only EXTREME neckbearded nerds argue about irrelevant system specs that don't matter, MOST CONSUMERS don't go well this one has 1.8 teraflops and this one has 1.9 teraflops bro, which one? I'm sorry, but not everybody is as nerdy as the general populance of these boards..its like a bad episode of the Big Bang Theory...
So lets have a little respect for the Wii U owners and the people who actually LIKE that nintendo is doing, some people don't want a new Gears of War game every few months and like the bright colorful art style and fun that nintendo brings to the table ;)
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