[QUOTE="abonsabo"][QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"]Its not even just about the bugs, its just the overall lack of polish in general that ALL of bethesda's games tend to have, including Skyrim. Its like, if you go near rocks, you can see where part of the texture is missing, and that its hollow underneath, and you can just tell they just incoherently dragged and dropped assets into the map randomly and called it a day, without putting any thought into it. I noticed this alot in Fallout New Vegas as well. There were alot of spots where if you go up to mountains or pass by rocks (and no, you dont have to be TRYING to look for things like this) you can see where it is hollow underneath and a big part of the texture is missing. When I first got Skyrim, within the first few hours I came across a river with a 30-40 foot section of the water missing. The water is just a flat texture anyways, but there was a big portion of the lake missing, and you could see where the water texture just randomly stopped, and then continued 30 feet away leaving a 30 foot gap where part of the river was supposed to be. The funny part is.....if you go into the lake, he STILL does the swimming animation while floating in mid air because water was supposed to be there. God fanboys are so delusional. I understand that you dont care about the glitches, or that it hasnt hampered your experience, but I will never understand the people who defend and deny it to the ends of the earth like it doesnt even exist at all, some even lash out on me, calling me a "hater" :roll:. Obviously there is a large amount of people who think the same thing as me...... StrongDeadlift
Dude you can't expect a game with the size and scope of Skyrim not to have it's quirks
If you want a game that runs perfectly buy a linear cooridor title that lasts 7 hours
I'll stick with my epic 100 hour plus godly Skyrim, one of the biggest, best and most ambitious titles ever made.
Red Dead Redemption, GTA4, L.A. Noire, Assassins Creed 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, Infamous 2. Tired arguement is tired. RDR was nowhere near as unpolished as Skyrim is. Even down to the horse animations, which actually felt real. Skyrim is just tacked on with no effort put into it whatsoever. Face it....every aspect of Skyrim was underwhelming or simply average (even below average) and done better elsewhere, except for the number of quests in the game. (almost ALL of which are recycled fetch/kill quests put there for filler. ) And it was also done better in Fallout 3 and NV. So you like big empty games that lack much content? And Skyrim does everything better than FO3 and NV(except the three-faction system and dialogue from NV).
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