Am I the only one who reads the sales charts?
Madden - 4.46 million copies
Hannah Montana Over half a million copies
50 Cent BulletProof almost a million and a half copies
Spongebob SquarePants Super Sponge almost 2 million copies
Mario Party 5 over 2 million copies
Poke'mon Colloseum sold 2 and a half million copies *selling more then twice the amount as Revolution in Japan*
Seriously these games have always sold more then our games and have always been cheaper to make. We have NEVER been the focus for the industry, if someone says different then they themself are a casual. Panzer Dragoon Orta failed to break past 150,000 mark, Phoenix Wright just breaks past the 100,000 mark in America, Disgaea barely or doesn't at all break the 100,000 mark, the only 2D Fighter this gen to break 150,000 copies was Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Tekken Dark Resurrection has only sold 320,000 copies. We aren't the focus our games have never sold that good. Yes their are exceptions but they come in the midlife of the system. The 360 only has 4 million selling core games *dead rising, lost planet *disagree but most agree so...*, Gears of War, and Call of Duty 2 out of it's release, and the Wii already has 2 *Zelda and SPM*.
Dead or Alive 4 failed to break 500,000
Condemened only managed to sell 320,000 copies
Kameo only sold 310,000 copies
How is this remotely different to this list.
Sonic 310,000 copies
Trauma Center around 150,000 copies
Resident Evil 4 300,000 copies *and still growing*
Dragon Quest Swords 310,000 on it's debut week
Now you want to see something that will blow your mind?
Prince of Persia Rival Swords 90,000 copies shipped, but failed to break the shipment *sold around 52,000 copies*
SSX Blur disappeared after only 32,000 copies were sold
Busta Move Bash disappeared from list when it had less then 30,000 copies sold
Blazing Angels of WWII for the Wii, failed to break it's first 50,000 shipment
Cooking Mama disappeared from list when 42,000 copies were only sold
These are the games :lol:!
This seriously has to be some kind of sick joke, these are the games that you complain about? These horirble selling failures on this list....and what's this they will destory gaming forever? :lol:! It doesn't even matter if this is VG Charts these games could double the sales and they'd still be abysmal. What the hell would they shift from selling half-to over a million copies without even breaking 100,000 :lol: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Anyone who thinks they'll make more money this way knows nothing about development. It takes less then 150,000 copies sold to cover 7 million in development. So are these developers going to settle for less money? What a joke of an assumption.
And if you look at the games that have sold well with first parties *Add Monkey Ball and Red Steel and Rayman to that list too* all of them but Rayman have been "traditional games". So if anything the Wii is prooving that casual games and port won't take over the industry. :|
As for ports and spin-offs not leading to real games?
Take a look at this:
Sold good so...
This was annouced.
Sold good so...
And that's just not it, since these games have sold well devs. are taking the Wii more serious.
Look at these announcements.
Tales Wii
Trauma Center New Blood
This is seriously getting way out of hand here.
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