My recent NVIDIA hardware
ASUS G1S laptop with Geforce 8600M GT GDDR3 256MB (dead, NVIDIA bumbgate, the entire G1S rendered useless).
ASUS G1Sn laptop with Geforce 9500M GS GDDR2 512MB (free replacement for ASUS G1S from ASUS).
ASUS N80VN (14 inch) with Geforce 9650M GT GDDR2 1GB (it's a small laptop with NVIDIA GPU).
NVIDIA Geforce 8600 GT GDDR3 (my CUDA test GPU, DIY ViDocK test GPU).
On Geforce 7 subject, NVIDIA has thier whitepaper on G8x vs G7x i.e. NVIDIA talks about on why NVIDIA G7x owner should upgrade to G8x e.g. they bashed thier own G7X. https://aulavirtual.uji.es/pluginfile.php/774612/mod_resource/content/0/GPU/GeForce_8800_GPU_Architecture_Technical_Brief_1_.pdf
Yes I see that you own Nvidia hardware at some point but I don't see how the last line really matters.
Like I said both Nvidia and AMD/ATI had their ups and downs.
At one time I favored 3DFX more than any other GPU provider.
But I don't pick and choose based on brand.
And I know for a fact that you tend to shy away from saying much good about Nvidia and spend a lengthy amount of time praising AMD/ATI.
The issue is not about praising. What's to praise with Geforce 7 with current workloads?
David Shippy from IBM praised Xbox 360's GPU. http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=21820
But Gamasutra also asked him about the relative power of the two systems -- since he worked so intimately on them, does he have an opinion on which was the more powerful?
"I'm going to have to answer with an 'it depends,'" laughs Shippy, after a pause. "Again, they're completely different models. So in the PS3, you've got this Cell chip which has massive parallel processing power, the PowerPC core, multiple SPU cores it's got a GPU that is, in the model here, processing more in the Cell chip and less in the GPU. So that's one processing paradigm -- a heterogeneous paradigm."
"With the Xbox 360, you've got more of a traditional multi-core system, and you've got three PowerPC cores, each of them having dual threads -- so you've got six threads running there, at least in the CPU. Six threads in Xbox 360, and eight or nine threads in the PS3 -- but then you've got to factor in the GPU," Shippy explains. "The GPU is highly sophisticated in the Xbox 360."
Note that the compute paradigm and praise from the Xbox 360 can also be applied on NVIDIA Geforce 8.
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