@-God- said:
@speak_low said:
So you're making these huge off-topic victim card essays because SW is being SW? Wrong forum, Are you new here? Sony and MS fanboys do this to each other more than any other "War" here.....have you clicked on any non PC related thread, which happen to make up 99% of threads??? IT's usually cow/lemming/sheep going at it far more fiercely....
Your bias is showing. Every faction does what you are describing....You seem to be picking at the faction who uses most facts and data (PCMR).
1. "MMOs no one cares about". Link? MMO are a purely valid genre. You seem to be butting your own opinion into this arguement.
2. My point is to say PC is the best system. Like all other groups do here for their own system. Take your long winded, opinionated, and pointless essays to General Forums. This section is designed for that crap you were lamenting, and is far heavier in use by Sony/MS cultists.
4. PC has several AAA genres, and has the most AAAe every gen. It'll do just fine.
5. 30% of 3 systems sales is great. I fully expect Cyberpunk to be vastly superior on PC, like Witcher3. Problem?
What's funny is, I was purposely taking it to a slight extreme when I said "you want consoles wiped out, don't you?" or "you want Sony destroyed and gone for good I bet" (because, surely, he can't be that crazy).
But you haven't actually disagreed whenever I said those things, so you really are that crazy. Consoles bowing out ain't going to happen with those low-end, shitty PC averages (not that fun to hear stuff like that directed to something you like, huh?)
A lot of Sony/MS arguing (which goes too far as well when it comes to Gamespot scores) still don't have that sweeping, nauseating tinge of anger that PCMR posts contain, which attack the very existence of these consoles and their gamers: "all consoles suck and offer nothing when you can get PC. Dumb, peasant consolites." There's a heavier prejudicial (and nutty, irrational) scent coming off the average PCMR posts. You know that Sony vs. MS threads is a lot of defending and arguing about certain games (Uncharted vs Tomb Raider), scores, sales and business decisions. But it's not quite the same level as PCMR's drive-by posts where they just blurt out "console gamers are dumb and consoles have no purpose" and leave. I asked "your kind" to explain how an industry with no consoles or Sony gone would work well, without negatively hurting the industry and AAA gaming. No explanation. You (and others) keep evading the questions, then claim that PCMR are studious fact-checkers and fact-listers, bravely asserting gaming truth on every corner. Come off that act. You post (drive-by) with those same set of numbers, acting like the consoles contribute 0%, or that anything less (even slightly) than PC numbers = not worth mentioning. Then when I bring up PC sales, you just keep nodding, "30% for 3 platforms is good!" Hypocrite.
This would all end if you just admitted consoles have a place (don't even have to say you like them - just say they have a certain place in driving the industry and game development, along with PC). But like I said, you can't even do that, because you have to look good in front of other imaginary PCMR friends.
I have no problem with the PC gamers. You know, the normal ones who game and go about their day. The PCMR is a different sort of PC fan, and you know it. And they sure have one lousy doctrine.
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