This thread is fail. I'm pretty damn sure they have RUF Porsches in GT5, since they had them in GT4. Look at the a few posts above mine for pics. /Thread.
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This thread is fail. I'm pretty damn sure they have RUF Porsches in GT5, since they had them in GT4. Look at the a few posts above mine for pics. /Thread.
Maybe in place of a Porsche they include the exclusive..... Lambergotti Fastarosa.. it is one sweet ride !! :P
[QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="Kennysolidsnake"]I mean seriously PD?! lol, 6 years in development and GT5 wont even have Porsches?! WOW, polyphony is becoming a huge joke. I mean its only Porsche, i cant imagine it would be hard to have it in the biggest racing simulator. GT5 better be something special, the news gets worse everyday about this game. I wouldnt be suprised its not complete vaporware and wont ever release.Kennysolidsnake
Who are you trying to kid?
Anyways, one automaker not in a game with so many damn cars is not a big deal.
This is Porsche we are talking about, not some no name like Puegot or Citroen. Any serious racing sim must have porscheNot some n no-name like those two? :lol:
I mean seriously PD?! lol, 6 years in development and GT5 wont even have Porsches?! WOW, polyphony is becoming a huge joke. I mean its only Porsche, i cant imagine it would be hard to have it in the biggest racing simulator. GT5 better be something special, the news gets worse everyday about this game. I wouldnt be suprised its not complete vaporware and wont ever release.
Who are you trying to kid?
Anyways, one automaker not in a game with so many damn cars is not a big deal.
This is Porsche we are talking about, not some no name like Puegot or Citroen. Any serious racing sim must have porsche You obviously don't know anything about racing when you say that Citroen and Peugeot are no names.Professionalism is a joke now? Hmm. I remember reading somewhere that you need permission to take someone else's idea and put it into your own. Porshe didn't give this permission to Polyphony obviously.I mean seriously PD?! lol, 6 years in development and GT5 wont even have Porsches?! WOW, polyphony is becoming a huge joke. I mean its only Porsche, i cant imagine it would be hard to have it in the biggest racing simulator. GT5 better be something special, the news gets worse everyday about this game. I wouldnt be suprised its not complete vaporware and wont ever release.
Anyways, one automaker not in a game with so many damn cars is not a big deal.Chutebox
Professionalism is a joke now? Hmm. I remember reading somewhere that you need permission to take someone else's idea and put it into your own. Porshe didn't give this permission to Polyphony obviously.Look if they can't for some reason procure a Porsche licence for their game then something is incredibly wrong. If you can boast having 1000+ cars in your game and none of them are Porsches, someone isn't doing their job properly.[QUOTE="Kennysolidsnake"]
I mean seriously PD?! lol, 6 years in development and GT5 wont even have Porsches?! WOW, polyphony is becoming a huge joke. I mean its only Porsche, i cant imagine it would be hard to have it in the biggest racing simulator. GT5 better be something special, the news gets worse everyday about this game. I wouldnt be suprised its not complete vaporware and wont ever release.
That said has anyone REALLY confirmed this to be true?
[QUOTE="Chutebox"]Anyways, one automaker not in a game with so many damn cars is not a big deal.
[QUOTE="Chutebox"]This is Porsche we are talking about, not some no name like Puegot or Citroen. Any serious racing sim must have porsche Peugeot or Citroen are nowhere near as necessary as Porsche for a racing game....but calling them a "no name" is really stupid[QUOTE="Kennysolidsnake"]
Who are you trying to kid?
Anyways, one automaker not in a game with so many damn cars is not a big deal.
No one can defend PD for this, Porsche should be in GT5, just like Alfa romeo should have been in Forza1/2, but T10 addressed this with Forza 3.racing1750Alfa Romeo was included, but in a pathetically poor state By offering 4 Alfa Romeo's, One classic, One Super car, The new hot hatch and a overly heavy yet good looking car Where was the Alfa Romeo 75? or Alfa Romeo SZ?
Professionalism is a joke now? Hmm. I remember reading somewhere that you need permission to take someone else's idea and put it into your own. Porshe didn't give this permission to Polyphony obviously.Look if they can't for some reason procure a Porsche licence for their game then something is incredibly wrong. If you can boast having 1000+ cars in your game and none of them are Porsches, someone isn't doing their job properly.[QUOTE="LOXO7"]
I mean seriously PD?! lol, 6 years in development and GT5 wont even have Porsches?! WOW, polyphony is becoming a huge joke. I mean its only Porsche, i cant imagine it would be hard to have it in the biggest racing simulator. GT5 better be something special, the news gets worse everyday about this game. I wouldnt be suprised its not complete vaporware and wont ever release.
That said has anyone REALLY confirmed this to be true?
What I took from it is there will be no "official" Porsche cars in the game. But that doesn't mean they cant make cars that look similar to Porsche.We won't find this symbol in the game.Oh noes :shock: it's ruined!
they do have RUF i bet which are tuned porsche's :P so really the point tc is making is moot in some senses lol.
in essence its porsche with a bit more power and a tuning badge.And afaik EA hold the license for porsche in games alth with Porsche merging with Volkswagen next year we might be more likely to see them in GT6.
Professionalism is a joke now? Hmm. I remember reading somewhere that you need permission to take someone else's idea and put it into your own. Porshe didn't give this permission to Polyphony obviously.Look if they can't for some reason procure a Porsche licence for their game then something is incredibly wrong. If you can boast having 1000+ cars in your game and none of them are Porsches, someone isn't doing their job properly.[QUOTE="LOXO7"]
I mean seriously PD?! lol, 6 years in development and GT5 wont even have Porsches?! WOW, polyphony is becoming a huge joke. I mean its only Porsche, i cant imagine it would be hard to have it in the biggest racing simulator. GT5 better be something special, the news gets worse everyday about this game. I wouldnt be suprised its not complete vaporware and wont ever release.
That said has anyone REALLY confirmed this to be true?
They didnt have them okay? M$ prolly bought the Porsche licence for the game and maybe did some deal so Porsche wont give PD the licence anymore.
Or that Porsche wants an insane ammount of money for it, or PDs lawyers screwed something up
gt3 and gt 4 had poeche alla the ruf brand how many time did you ever use or care for them in gt4 ZERO!!! lol and in gt3 we was forces to by it for a few races
the RUF yellowbird waas one of the best cars imo in GT4 if you tuned it correctly it was a giant killer when it wanted to be xD.
It will probably have RUF or Gemballa to make up for it [...]WWIAB
Look if they can't for some reason procure a Porsche licence for their game then something is incredibly wrong. If you can boast having 1000+ cars in your game and none of them are Porsches, someone isn't doing their job properly.[QUOTE="heretrix"]
[QUOTE="LOXO7"] Professionalism is a joke now? Hmm. I remember reading somewhere that you need permission to take someone else's idea and put it into your own. Porshe didn't give this permission to Polyphony obviously.
That said has anyone REALLY confirmed this to be true?
What I took from it is there will be no "official" Porsche cars in the game. But that doesn't mean they cant make cars that look similar to Porsche.We won't find this symbol in the game.Oh noes :shock: it's ruined!
[QUOTE="WWIAB"]It will probably have RUF or Gemballa to make up for it [...]foxhound_fox
I'm fully aware of RUF and Gemballa....
But I always had a feeling that GT5 would feature RUF/Gemballa than the real thing
I suppose its like rather than having Mercedes, they could have Carlsson or Brabus (Brabus :()
A loss, but I'm not gonna collapse over it
[QUOTE="KukicAdo"]The problem isn't designing the cars, the problem comes with licensing. EA has had the Porche lincese for a very long time, and is refusing to grant it to PD for a fair price, thus Porche automobiles won't be featured in the game. shinrabanshou
Do you have a link for that?
Well here's one link. believe EA have held the license since NFS: Porsche Unleashed. Typically all the NFS games carry this legal notice: "Porsche, the Porsche crest, 911 and Carrera are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Licensed under certain patents."
Perhaps EA is refusing to sublicense, or perhaps the value proposition may not be deemed worthwhile to PD.
But the idea that PD are deliberately excluding Porsche cars because they're incapable of coding them, or are unwilling to, or are lazy... is frankly just dumb.
That doesn't prove anything. You're just making stuff up. Nowhere does that say that EA has exclusive dibs, and that doesn't explain why Forza 3 has Porsche. :|
Any real race simulator should have Porsche's in them. Didn't the previous GT games have Porsche cars in them? Anyway, I don't think the will keep people from buying the game. All the delays aren't helping though.this game doesn't need Porsche
It's not the symbol but what the symbol represents. I'm not saying that this ruins the game, but to act like it isn't a disappointment to racing fans is moronic. It's like having a pro football game with one of it's most prominent teams missing.Hey maybe you were right the first time when Polyphony couldn't find a way to finesse Porsche into the game. Or maybe it was Porsche's descision not to be in the game, like maybe Porsche has something against Polyphony and not Turn 10? That analogy is wack. It's more like having a pro football game with one of it's mostprominent advertisers missing. Because if a team is in an association, NFL, NBA, NHL, FIFA...heretrix
Hey maybe you were right the first time when Polyphony couldn't find a way to finesse Porsche into the game. Or maybe it was Porsche's descision not to be in the game, like maybe Porsche has something against Polyphony and not Turn 10? That analogy is wack. It's more like having a pro football game with one of it's mostprominent advertisers missing. Because if a team is in an association, NFL, NBA, NHL, FIFA...You are splitting hairs. Having a prominent team in a sports game is pretty much like the same as having a prominent vehicle manufacturer in a racer. Fans of both will be disappointed when they aren't represented. Both preform in game actions. Last time I checked you don't race a Gillette razer blade in any video game.[QUOTE="heretrix"]It's not the symbol but what the symbol represents. I'm not saying that this ruins the game, but to act like it isn't a disappointment to racing fans is moronic. It's like having a pro football game with one of it's most prominent teams missing.
It has Ruf, so TC owned /THREAD
Indeed. I love how Lemmings are avoiding the obvious :lol:
It has Ruf, so TC owned /THREAD
Indeed. I love how Lemmings are avoiding the obvious :lol:
Hey maybe you were right the first time when Polyphony couldn't find a way to finesse Porsche into the game. Or maybe it was Porsche's descision not to be in the game, like maybe Porsche has something against Polyphony and not Turn 10? That analogy is wack. It's more like having a pro football game with one of it's mostprominent advertisers missing. Because if a team is in an association, NFL, NBA, NHL, FIFA...You are splitting hairs. Having a prominent team in a sports game is pretty much like the same as having a prominent vehicle manufacturer in a racer. Fans of both will be disappointed when they aren't represented. Both preform in game actions. Last time I checked you don't race a Gillette razer blade in any video game.But theres certian rules you have to uphold if you belongin an accociation. Porsheisn't in GT5"League" because they don't belong to them. Yeah fans should be upset, but that's not Poly's fault. Well we don't know how hard they tried to get Porshe into the game. But fans should be more upset with Porshe. Now I'm starting to feel that Porshe is too good for GT5...[QUOTE="LOXO7"]
[QUOTE="heretrix"]It's not the symbol but what the symbol represents. I'm not saying that this ruins the game, but to act like it isn't a disappointment to racing fans is moronic. It's like having a pro football game with one of it's most prominent teams missing.
Then go buy a porsche in real life. Whooooo cares? If it bothers you that much dont buy the game.brennan7777
It has Ruf, so TC owned /THREAD
Indeed. I love how Lemmings are avoiding the obvious :lol:
RUF's are still porsche cars.
[QUOTE="brennan7777"]Then go buy a porsche in real life. Whooooo cares? If it bothers you that much dont buy the game.
this has to be the worst GT5 bash thread I have ever seen...It has a RUF you can as much pretend its a Porsche unless some one finds a real real link explaining why Porsche's are missing you only pretending to know anything, just like you can pretend a RUF a porsche.
They have Ruff, and Ruff is just a company that tunes Porches and makes them arguably cooler looking. Can you really complain?
[QUOTE="dream431ca"]RUF's are still porsche cars.
Big deal. Making such a fuss about this is laughable. Plus I'd take that CTR3 over any Porsche any day. I mean just look at it.
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