GTX 1060 makes xbox X looks dated at least 10 years, sorry xbox lovers, but that's the truth and even blind and deaf PCMR fan knows it. Now let's look into actual games results in order to see how bad xbox really is. Remember guys, results speak for themselves
Wolfenstein 2
GTX 1060 (OC 2 GHz) - 4K dynamic, low/med details, 43-55 fps
Xbox X - 4K dynamic, nearly maxed out details, 55-60 fps
Wolfenstein 2 shows GTX 1060 at it's best! Shame on you xbox X, your results are nowhere near ultra fast GTX 1060
Forza 7
Stock GTX 1060 - 4K, 35-50 fps with ultra details + MSAAx8, high details + dynamic resolution scaling + MSAAx4 40-70 fps
Xbox X - 4K, nearly (if not) maxed out details + EQAA - 60 fps locked (with minimal fps as high, average fps should be around 80-90fps)
Again, forza 7 shows how dated xbox X compared to GTX 1060. Of course we dont know what exact EQAA settings xbox version is using (because no one has confirmed that), we can only guess, but the cheapest EQAAx2 is MSAAx2 + coverage samples on top of that (it gives MSAAx4 impression at the cost of MSAAx2).
Now let's see how GTX 1070 fares
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
Dips below 30fps on GTX 1070 even at medium settings, how it's that possible? XboX version is using high settings at 4K native mode just for comparison, not medium. So yet another game that show how dated xbox X really is.
People may ask if I'm starting a fight with PC owners or defending the Xbox One X, and my answer is BOTH, because both xbox fanboys, and many PC owners are equally S***. Xbox lovers always say, PC is a waste of money, no one needs 60fps, mods and whole customisation, while PC lovers laugh at console owners (well xbox and playstation owners at the same time to be exact) saying they dont need to play exclusive games, and they allways brag how much faster their precious PC is compared to console, and not to mention GTX 1060 owner will say how cheap it is to build PC with GPU like that.
Windows 10 - 5$
used/stolen GTX 1060 - 100$
all the reast - 200$
And here you go, for just 305$ this PC with GTX 1060 will run every xbox X game better than this expensive console :P, but of coruse if normal person will want to buy PC with GTX 1060 he would need to pay 1000$ realistically speaking, because very few people want to buy the worst possible parts, and used/stolen hardware/software.
I hate both xbox fanboys, PC fanboys, and playstation fanboys, all of them equally dishonest when it comes to hardware. It's very hard to find normal discusion these days (based on facts), because for some reason people always hate what they dont have. Xbox lovers hates PC owners because they dont have PC, and some PC owners hates every other platform for the same reasons
Now, what's my opinion in regards to xbox X? That console have a lot problems (input lag problems in BC games, much worse controller compared to x360, not that many exclusive games at this pont), but it's very well build. I had 2x xbox classics (and during that time I have replaced 3 lasers), 2x PS2, my x360 had RROD, PS3 FAT YLOD AND LASER problems as well. I dont know how long my current gen consoles will last, but I think xbox X may be nearly indestructible. It looks to me like Xbox X is build from very high quality materials (that console is very small but very heavy at the same time), temperatures are very low, and games use DVD drive just for installation so there's a hope DVD drive will last forever. I have never seen console so well build like xbox X. Also xbox X is also very silent, it's hard to even tell if it's running or not. But I hate micorsoft, it's the most greedy corporation on the planet, that's my experience. They restrict EVERYTHING what they possibly can (you can even use xbox360 controller on xbox one) and force eveyone to buy their newer products (I bought windows 10 only because I was forced to do so, if windows 7 would feature dx12, I would still use windows 7 I can tell you that). But the thing is, I can give them credits when they really deserved and they have really learned on their mistake.
Standard xbox one was a mistake, simple as that. First two xbox consoles were very impressive hardware wise at their time, I remember how impressed I was when I have seen xbox classic for the first time, yet 3'd xbox was weak as 100 year old man without both legs, 720-900p on new gen console? 1080p should be MINUMUM this gen of consoles, not 720p (X360 PS3 standard). When people started ingoring xbox one (this console is not nearly as popular as previous xbox) then microsoft have realized they have to change their mistake, and they have promissed 4x resolution increase over standard xbox one. After PS4P I have doubted promises like that can be really fulfilled, after all PS4P delivered just 2x resolution increase over standard PS4, and microsoft promised whopping x4 resolution increase. Today xbox X is alraedy here, we can see how this console runs games at stuff like that, and the thing is, microsoft have delivered not only x4 resolution increase but sometimes even x5 with addional graphics settings on top of that (better shadows, better textures etc.), so basically microsoft has OVERDELIVERED this time. What's more Xbox X offers up to 2.2x resolution increase even compared to PS4P and basically sony console looks like old man this time around. How it's that possible people may ask, xbox X GPU is only 6 tflops (just 40% more tflops compared to PS4P GPU), yet it deliver 200% resolution increase. The answer is, gaming performance is not all about tflops numbers alone, in fact on PC we have seen GPU's with 1.3 tflops beeing faster than 2.7 tfops, and microsoft with amd have improved architecture just for xbox X console. On paper Xbox X GPU may look comparable to RX 580, but it's not the same GPU, it's totally custom made and tweaked to the extreme. Xbox X GPU is using some vega featueres (for example it has delta color compression, important feature that helps at very high resolutions), and microsoft engineers have build dx12 into that chip. Here some quotes from digital foundry xbox X article
"communication from the game to the GPU is super-efficient."
"The bottom line is that Scorpio's six teraflops will almost certainly go a lot further than an equivalent PC part."
And that's indeed the case, xbox X is basically faster than any 6 tlfops AMD card, RX 580 included. That's why xbox X GPU is faster than tflops numbers suggest, xbox X GPU architecture is simply much more efficient compared to standard polaris architecture found in PS4P 4.2 tflops GPU. In wolfenstein 2 both RX 580 and GTX 1060 struggle just to hit 30fps mark, yet xbox X GPU is delivering 55-60 fps at dynamic 4K (2016p most of the time, and 2160p frequently according to digital foundry)
But not all mistakes could be fixed. XboX wasnt supposed to be new generation, that console was still build to run xbox one generation games, so microsoft was limited when it comes to CPU's they could use. Anything besides jaguar cores would cause big compatibility problems with standard xbox one games, so they had to use the same and weak jaguar cores. Of coruse they have build command processor into their console, basically saving 50% of CPU power, but even 50% faster jaguar will be always weak, no matter what. So we have a console that can run games at very high resolution, yet is limited to 30fps because of WEAK JAGUAR CORES. PUBG, that game tells it all, 4K native resolution, yet because of CPU game is running at just 10-30fps even at the lowest LOD settings. So it looks like that, any CPU heavy game, and xbox X results looks weak as hell even compared to 1050ti, but in GPU bound scenarios it's GPU deliver GTX 1070 level of performance if not faster (war thunder developer compared xbox X GPU even to GTX 1080 performance level, it may seam laughable, but developers should really know better what they are talking about compared to normal gamers).
Right now I game on PS4P, Xbox X, and PC becase with 1080ti I can run multiplatform games at 4K, with 60fps on top of that. For example my PC runs forza horizon 3 at 4K (like xbox X), but the diffrence is I get 60fps (unlike xbox). Below my own gameplay
But if I would not bought xbox X I would not play forza horizon 1-2, and PS4P also has great games, for example Uncharted 4, nothing beats that game graphically and that's the thing, if you buy just one gaming platform, you are limiting your choice in games. At this post I dont own nintento switch, but I'm sure even this console is great and I'm sure their owners love it. I really hope at someday gamers will stop these endless console vs PC wars, because there's no DEFINITIVE GAMING PLATFORM, at least not today, and after all gaming platforms it's just a hardware and people should not disrespect other people who play on something different. Even If I would game just on my PC, I would not laugh from console owners, who cant afford anything else, and why should I? Everyone buy what they can afford, nothing wrong with that.
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