@slimdogmilionar said:
@tormentos: LOl I never said PS4 didn't have Move engines I only said I don't see the point in them being there, honestly I didn't even know they were there until you said so trying to prove a point. I still don't see the point of move engines on PS4, on xb1 and PC it makes sense because you have more than one memory pool. There is no need to move data from or to PS4 system ram so what's the point? So no what's not???
"No is not dude and the PS4 also has DMA as well when it uses GDDR5 and its CPU and see data on the GPU all the time,i give you a him from were those DMA come from.. Is call GCN and they were there before the xbox one was release and since 2011 when AMD release the 7970"
The only reason I assumed tiled resources was different on xb1 is because PRT is geared more towards textures. Tiled resources lets you tile more than textures, like how Crytek used tiled shading because they couldn't use deferred shading because of the xbox one bandwidth limitations.
Lastly this is not a thread claiming the XB1 is more power or claiming secret sauce it's new info that has surfaced about the XB1 gpu simple as that. If you are this insecure hearing this I'd hate to see how you will react once the news comes out that M$ has reduced the XB1 memory usage by 45% by updating the graphics driver.
Move engines are part of the GPU not the CPU or memory which mean they are inside every GCN the xbox one doesn't have DME because it has ESRAM or to make the xbox one see the data while it is on ESRAM which the xbox one can't do,DMA are part of GCN architecture.
No they are exactly the same the only difference is that MS named it Tile Resources so it could use it on Nvidia GPU while talking about DX,since PRT is a name AMD gave to the same feature but is exactly the same thing and in both is hardware supported contrary to what you believe that PRT was software.
The same happen with encoder decoders,upscaler and basically everything else.
Oh please dude i am not the one all months and weeks trying to prove how the xbox one will magically be on par with the PS4 so yeah the insecurities come from you people,oh brother anything the xbox one can do by driver or software the PS4 can do it as well and better period,there is nothing MS can do that sony can't is the same GPU and same CPU,memory is not a problems for either console they have memory to spare,the PS4 could have come with 4GB of GDDR5 and still would have beat the xbox one..
@Salt_The_Fries said:
@SolidTy I wonder what have you been telling yourself about PS3 for all those long years.
Yeah because the PS3 = the xbox one right.? lol
@FastRobby said:
Since when do games matter for cows? No decent game to play since launch, untill Bloodborne. PS4 should've launched this holiday season.
There are more games and higher rated on PS4 since launch than on xbox one..hahaha
Both Gamerankings and Metacritics prove it.
@Scipio8 said:
Cows are really going mad, any bit of good news for the Xbox sends them crazy. I feel sorry, it must hurt to watch the Xbox get better and better while the PS4 sits idle turning out flops after flops.
Yeah the PS4 will remain idle and the xbox one will magically transform into a R290X PC..lol
Just Waiiiiiiiiiit and see...
@FoxbatAlpha said:
I tried telling Tormentoes this a year ago. He responded with "hahaha, and a pie chart".
This Xbox architecture is exactly why you cannot take the specs and performance of a PC graphics card and substitute them for Xbox output.
Dude this article says nothing the xbox one still is inferior to the PS4,running compute at the same time as graphics consume resources from graphics side which mean less graphicall games if you want to run compute on xbox one.
The PS4 can use 4 CU and still have more power than the xbox one 12 CU over all that is the problems for MS and something that will not change.
Let me ask you this to all of you did you actually saw MS last gen making a parade about a damn driver update,or about a new SDK that would bring secret performance.?
No you didn't why you may ask because the xbox 360 was powerful,MS didn't have to resort to lie and manipulate opinions with that shit,it is now that MS actually sink that low,because lets face it they are investing millions in trying to revert the image of weak console the xbox one has,and i am 100% sure that this so call leak wasn't really a leak and is more of on purpose thing to try to downplay the fact that they have a weaker unit.
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