As odd as that may sound I think the Halo MCC did more than people think (more=/=win). Outside of Amazon, on Best Buy best sellers, there were 2 PS4's and the Wii U ahead of the Halo MCC, now the Halo MCC is second behind the TLOU bundle, AC bundle moved up to below the Wii U, the regPS4 dropped (expected with TLOU bundle but...) before the regular Xbox One kinect bundle(?). This is the first time I have seen such rankings on best buy.
In Gamestop best sellers, the Xbox one had the TLOU bundle and White and Black refurbished bundle ahead of it, along with the AC Bundle. Now the AC Bundle has dropped out the top 5, The Xbox One Halo MCC is now ahead of both refurbished consoles, and the TLOU Bundle new consoles, and the only thing ahead of it is the recently revealed Arkam Limited edition bundle pretty much means that the Xbox One Halo MCC cumulative sales are in #1 at Gamestop. Something I have never seen since launch for the GS charts. Ever period.
Target the Xbox One Halo MCC is winning. Walmart has all Xbox One console items in the top 10 have Halo involved in some way, The top 5 is PS4, Ps4, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox One. One thing to consider though is that online Wal mart allows some mixing and matching and other special buys, so the real uninflated rankings in the top 5 are: PS4, Xbox, PS4, Xbox, Xbox. All Xbox have Halo Except for #5, which in this case would be the regular kinect bundle (this sudden rise also happened at best buy so this may be an actual trend.)
Only site not trending is Amazon.
Now I'm not saying that the Xbox one is going to win or anything but the gap may not be as big as it looks like it may in terms of HARDWARE ONLY anyway.
I could see something like 20-40k. There is a slim chance Xbox One could win since there is one more week. Neverwinter also comes (which apparently isn't that good) out today but with 2 big games of Bloodborne and MLB15 I'm not touching that one. But I do believe the Xbox One may not be destroyed as it started to look like.
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